Chapter 11

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Lucy paced back and forth in front of Jackson and Tamara, her phone clutched tightly in her hands. The normally calm and collected bookstore owner looked like she was on more coffees than usual.

"What was I thinking! It was a bad idea to send him those texts. He probably thinks I'm completely weird now," Lucy exclaimed, her eyes wide with panic.

Tamara, who was sipping her coffee, raised an eyebrow. "What texts are we talking about?"

Lucy groaned. "I kind of flirted with Tim over the phone. He probably thinks I'm some kind of crazy person!"

Tamara chuckled. "Come on, Lucy. Tim is a grown man. I'm sure he can handle a little flirting."

Lucy shot her a look, but showed her the texts. "A little flirting? I practically told him to come here if he wants to get naked with me."

Tamara couldn't help but laugh. "Lucy, you're overthinking this. Tim seems like a laid-back guy. I'm sure he's not reading that much into it."

Lucy sighed, sinking into a chair. "I just wanted to be funny and light, you know? But now I feel like I've made a huge mistake."

The younger girl set her coffee down and walked over to Lucy, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Look, Lucy, if Tim is half as interested in you as you are in him, he's not going to be scared off by a few playful texts. Just be yourself."

Lucy looked at her, a mix of gratitude and anxiety in her eyes. "You think so?"

"Absolutely. And if he can't handle a bit of flirting, then maybe he's not worth your time," she smiled reassuringly.

Lucy managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Tam. I'm just a bundle of nerves right now. I was fine after we stopped texting that day, but now that I am about to face him again, it's all coming back."

Suddenly Tamara grinned. "Well, you better calm those nerves because he is about to walk in."

Lucy's eyes widened. "He is?"

"Looks like your texts didn't scare him away after all," Tamara winked.

Lucy blushed, realizing she might have been worried for nothing.

Her heart skipped a beat as the doorbell chimed, signaling Tim's arrival. Before she could turn to face the door, the sweet sound of Isla's voice reached her ears, calling out her name with an unmistakable enthusiasm. Lucy turned just in time to see Isla running toward her, her small frame bursting with energy.

"Lucy!" Isla exclaimed, and without hesitation, Lucy opened her arms wide to welcome the young girl into a warm embrace. Isla eagerly joined in, wrapping her arms around Lucy in a hug that felt like a reunion of old friends.

Tim, standing just a step away, observed the heartfelt interaction between his daughter and Lucy. A warm feeling of gratitude washed over him, knowing that Lucy had become such a comforting and safe presence for Isla. He couldn't help but smile at the scene before him.

As Lucy gently set Isla down, her attention shifted to Tim, and her face lit up with one of her bright smiles. "I'm glad you could make it and I appreciate your help so much," she told him, and for a moment, their eyes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

Lucy then turned her attention back to Isla, her fingers delicately brushing a strand of hair from the girl's face. "And I see you brought a little helper with you," she remarked with a playful tone, acknowledging Isla's presence.

Isla beamed with pride, nodding enthusiastically. "Yep! Daddy said we're here to help you with your special event!"

Tim scratched his head and looked at Lucy apologetically. "I'm sorry, I couldn't find a babysitter, so I thought I would just bring her with me," he whispered as Isla ran off to greet Tamara. Lucy shook her head and gestured that it was okay. "No problem at all. We'll be hosting a lot of kids later, so one more won't make a difference," she assured him. "Also, I enjoy spending time with Isla, that little girl has found her way into my heart."

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