Chapter 7

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The soft chime of the doorbell at Chen's Corner signaled the entrance of a familiar face. Tim, his tall figure silhouetted against the warm afternoon light, stepped into the bookstore.

Lucy, engrossed in arranging a display of classic novels, looked up and greeted the customer with a warm smile. Only then did she realize who it was. "Officer Bradford, already back for more literary adventures?", her eyes lighting up in surprise at the unexpected visit.

Tim chuckled, his eyes reflecting the playfulness that seemed to be their natural energy. "You could say that. Actually, I came by to see you..." He shifted on his feet, a hint of awkwardness coloring his demeanor. " say thank you, I mean."

Lucy, intrigued and slightly caught off guard, raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you? What for?"

Tim reached into a small bag he carried, pulling out a box of chocolates. "For listening, for the advice. I thought these might be a nice way to say thanks."

Lucy's cheeks flushed slightly, the unexpected gesture catching her by surprise. "Oh, you really didn't have to do that," she stammered, accepting the box with a grateful smile.

Tim scratched the back of his head, his usual composed demeanor momentarily replaced by a charming awkwardness. "Well, I was in the neighborhood, and I thought it was the least I could do."

The air in the bookstore seemed to shimmer with a light-hearted energy, a sweet tension lingering between them.

Tim, not entirely accustomed to such gestures, fumbled with his words. "It's been a while since I, uh, brought someone chocolates. Not that it's like that, I mean. I just wanted to show you my appreciation for having an open ear and your good advice."

Lucy couldn't help but chuckle at Tim's endearing attempt to clarify. It was very sweet to see him blushing like this.

"It's okay, Tim. I get it. It's a nice gesture, and I really appreciate it."

Her fingers grazed the smooth surface of the chocolate box, a contemplative expression crossing her features. The sweetness of the gesture lingered in the air, but it also stirred a poignant realization within Lucy. Her mind wandered to Tim, a man who, by all accounts, seemed like someone worth fighting for. The sincerity in his eyes and the genuine appreciation he expressed for a simple act of kindness left an impression on Lucy.

Lucy knew that Isabel's descent into addiction wasn't a deliberate choice. And she recognized the insidious nature of addiction, how it could weave its way into the fabric of a seemingly perfect life, unraveling it thread by thread. The weight of responsibility lay not just on Isabel's shoulders but on the clutches of a formidable adversary—addiction.

Yet, in the quiet recesses of her thoughts, Lucy couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. She wished, if only in her mind, that Isabel had fought harder for the picture-perfect family she once had. The man who loved her deeply, the adorable little daughter who looked up to her—those were precious things that life had seemingly taken away. Lucy found herself silently calling out to Isabel, urging her to fight, to seek help, and to realize the treasure she had in Tim and Isla.

Simultaneously, Tim's thoughts took a turn of their own. He admitted to himself that the thank-you he was offering was more than a simple gesture. It represented a step into a space that felt safe and welcoming—a space created by Lucy's presence. The warmth of her smile, the genuine interest she showed, and the subtle blush on her cheeks painted a picture of a connection that went beyond the ordinary.

Standing there as a single parent navigating the complexities of parenthood, Tim couldn't help but appreciate the solace he found in Lucy's company. As he pondered the reasons behind this resonance, Tim wondered if it was the lack of female friends (besides his co-workers, which he wouldn't call friends either for the most part) or the encroaching loneliness since Isabel's absence that drew him towards Lucy. Regardless, he couldn't deny her undeniable allure. Her warm brown eyes and infectious smile made him feel a connection he hadn't experienced in a long time.

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