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Third Person's POV

Today is the day of the Quiz Bowl in St. Thomas Aquinas. All students involved are preparing well. Others are nervous, and others are excited.

"I am formally announcing the Quiz Bowl 2023 is now open! Students you may now take your respective rooms. The schedule will be as follows: 9am to 10am will be the Science Quiz Bee, 10:30am to 12:00 noon will be the Math Quiz Bee, and same time with Araling Panlipunan Quiz Bee. By 12:00 noon to 1pm will be LUNCH BREAK. Then in the Afternoon we will start the Debate by 1pm onwards. Also by 1pm-2pm, the Spelling Bee for English, and Filipino will be held simultaneously. So be ready to test your wits and be a Quiz Champ! Thank you!" as announced by Dr. Von Patrick Medina, the Principal of the School, then we all clapped.

The students started going to their respective rooms where the Quiz Bees will be held.

"Good Morning students! I am Mr. Isagani Siate, I am your Science (Chemistry) Quiz Master for today. Let me read the guidelines. The question will be drawn in the bowl. The questions are formulated by the Board Members of the School. I, as the Quiz Master will read the question twice, and after which the contestants have 10 seconds to write it on their respective illustration board. We will announce once the timer is up. Once the timer is up, you will raise your answer, strictly no changing of answer once you already raised your board. Wrong Spelling is Wrong. Late answer will not be accepted.

For the Elimination, there will be 15 questions to be asked (Easy Round), 3 points each question. The top 10 students will qualify for the semi-final, and there will be 10 questions to be asked (Average Round), 5 points each question. The top 5 students will be qualified for the final round, and there will be 5 questions (Difficult round), 10 points each question. After each round there will be one BONUS question. If you got it written you will automatically get 5 points, but if your answer is wrong there will be a deduction of 2 points from your score. It is your choice if you will answer or not.

In case of a tie, another question will be given. For any clarifications, the contestants may consult the judges here in my side while the contest is ongoing. Corrections and/or clarifications after the contest will not be entertained. Goodluck!" as explained by Mr. Isagani regarding the mechanics of the contests.

It didn't take long and the first question started to asked.

"First question for easy round, TRUE or FALSE, Elements consist of a single type of atom." and repeated again by Mr. Ask the question.

At the end of the Quiz Master's second round of questions, Clara and the other 3rd year contestants started writing on their illustration board.

"Time is up! Boards up!" said Mr. Isagani, and all the contestants raised their illustration board.

"All of the contestants got the correct answer." Mr. Isagani announced.

"Next question, who is credited with the invention of the modern periodic table?" asked again by Mr. Isagani.

And the contestants wrote their answer.

"Time is up! Boards up! The correct answer is Dmitri Mendeleev." and all the contestants got the correct answer again.

After a few questions and eliminated the other contestants in the easy round, and average round, they now concluded in the difficult round.

In the difficult round, there were only five left, and the Quiz Master read the last question, "Last question for the difficult round, the artificial sweetener containing chlorine that has the appearance and taste as that of sugar and is stable at cooking temperature is :"

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