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Clara's POV

It's now Monday and the exam has started.

We are now in the room and starting to answer. But Kean isn't here yet, our first exam is Geometry (Math 3) and our proctor is still strict.

After a while Kean came.

"Ma'am sorry I'm late." Kean gasped.

"It is already 20mins. I will not allow you to take the exam anymore." said the Proctor of the exam.

"Ma'am please. I can keep up." Kean insisted.

"No, you have to make a letter addressed to the Office of the Prefect of Discipline for approval of your rescheduling your exam." Proctor's refusal.

"Ma'am, I can assure you, I can catch up. So please allow me." Kean insisted again.

Our proctor thought before answering. "Okay, but this will be your last time! I don't want this to happen again! Go ahead, take your seat." And Kean came in, his seat is far away from me now, seating at the back of the different row.

Last Friday he didn't come to school, then last weekend he didn't show up and didn't come for our group review at home. What is happening to this man?

An hour later, I finished the exam, I stood up and passed my paper to the proctor.

Before I went out, I looked at Kean, Paola, and Mara, but they were still answering seriously. The exam is 1 hour and 30 minutes, so they still have time.

I went out and sat in the Corridor, I also took from my bag the reviewer I made for the next subject exam which is English Literature.

After a while, Kevin who was in the other room also came out, when he saw me he stood next to me.

"The exam looks like easy to you. What's your set?" Kevin said.

"Set B. We reviewed what appeared in the exam. So I think it's okay." I answered him, then he said we were the same set.

Althea and Clarizza also came out of our room, and approached Kevin and me.

"Hey! What's your answer to [ 3 / ( x + 1 ) = 5 / 11 ]?" Althea asked.

"x = 5.6 to me." I said. Kevin and Althea also said we were the same.

"Oh my gosh!! my answer is x =17.3 hahaha! What did I do?" answered Clarizza, we laughed together. I showed her how to solve it, and she got it too.

"How abot the one in another term for Line K? Do you remember the one with a graph?" asked Clarizza.

"Line BC." I answered. Then they were surprised because I answered differently to them, which is Line BEC to them. I just said, I don't know, maybe I'm the one who's wrong. 😅😅😅

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