Chapter 19

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Sebastian's pov.

Since the night Serenity almost died William has been over almost ever single night. I had let them have a room together but checked in on them in the middle of the night. So far it was harmless but if he tried to take things to far I would kill him. It had been about a month of this going on and I was getting a little annoyed with it. I had no problem letting the reaper see my daughter or make her smile I just didn't like him touching her or trying to romance her in any way. Only three more months until they were married and I knew how happy Serenity was about that thought. "Father." Serenity says happily as she rushes over to me and waits for me to finish cleaning the dishes in my hands a wide smile on her face. "What has made you so happy my little raven?" I ask making her give a small sigh. "The flowers in your room a blooming. The look so nice." Serenity says making me smile a little. The last week or two I had read her what her mother wrote. It made her cry a lot just to see or smell the journal. I had to admit I got a little choked up every time I had it in my hands but I kept myself together for my daughter's sake. "Wonderful news." I say before giving her a matching smile. It was nice to see her spirits so high after recent events.

She had somewhat forgiven my young master for what had happened with the murdering me incident. I wouldn't say they were back on normal terms by any means. "I was thinking of taking some freshly cut flowers to Undertaker. AS a thank you for pointing me in the right direction on finding you. I never have thanked him properly." Serenity says making me give a small sigh. "Alright I will help you in a little while go wait for me in the garden." I say making her nod before rushing from the room a smile on her face. I shake my head a little before chuckling. 'It is better to see her happy and well adjusted than sad and spiteful.' I think before giving a small sigh. I take some work to my master before heading out to the garden to see Serenity looking over everything. Finny had a small frown on his face as he watches her. "Finny could you go get a basket for Serenity?" I ask making him nod then rush from the garden to get what I asked for. "Have you thought about what you would like to give him?" I ask as stand next to Serenity who had a small blooming flower cupped in her hands. "Not really father. I was thinking a few roses and some other odds and ends. Mother was always better at this than I was." She says letting a small frown form. "You will know when it is right. You will feel it here." I say before gently resting my hand over her heart as I take one of her hands and place it on my own.

Soon Finny was back and he watches as Serenity and I cut some flowers before we tie them together with some ribbon. I lead Serenity with the flowers over to the gate making sure she had a hat on as well as a small coin purse so she could get something sweet when she was in town. "Be home by dark." I order before kissing the top of her head and watching her go. As the day goes on I worry over if I should have let my daughter go off on her own until Ash shows up and I give a relived sigh knowing we would see Serenity when we went to the Undertaker's shop. If there was a cult out there that had access to cinematic record they would snap at the chance to have a demon under their control. I also found it odd that Pluto acted the way he did around Ash the Queen's butler, the one I disliked with a passion. Once he was gone my master makes orders before we head out to Undertaker's shop. When we get there I open the door so we can walk in and quickly look around for my daughter hoping that she would be here still. Things only devolve from there as Grell runs at me, we find undertaker in salt and there was no one else here. My master just asked Grell why he was here when the bell rings letting Undertaker know he had a customer making us look over at the door.

I felt relived to see my daughter and she had the flowers in one hand a box in the other. The moment her eyes land on me they go wide. Grell scowls at her as she walks over before giving a small sigh. "Why are you here Serenity?" My master yelps as he points at her making her tilt her head a little. "I was coming to thank Undertaker. He is the one who pointed in the direction of your manor to find father." Serenity says before she looks down at Undertaker who grins at her. "So your the daughter of the head butler. I thought as much. What do you have in your hands deary?" Undertaker asks and I see Grell was trying hard to put things together in his head. "Flowers and I also got some sweets to share but in the state your in that will be impossible." Serenity says giving him a sweet smile. "Wait daughter?" Grell screams as he points at Serenity who looks back at him a small confused look on her face before she looks up at me. I just chuckle lightly and pat the top of her head a few times. "It would appear Grell did not realize that Serenity was a copy of you only as a female." My master mumbles before we get back to the point of being here in the first place.

Her father, His butlerWhere stories live. Discover now