Chapter 29

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Serenity's pov.

It has been a week since father and I had our day alone. Ciel has a case and father reluctantly agreed to bring me on this one. Father had been acting a little odd the last day or two but he wouldn't say anything about why that was he just acted more protective of me somehow and it made me wonder just what was wrong with him. "You have never ridden a train before? Sebastian how can she never have ridden a train before?" Ciel asks as he looks over at father who gives a soft sigh. "As I have told you before young master we never brought Serenity to the human world before." Father says a sad look entering his eyes for a moment but it was gone just as quickly as it came. I reach out and place my hand over fathers making him look over at me before smiling softly. Mother had always told me that my first time in the human world would be with both of them. Now here I was sitting in a carriage with father on my way to a train which I have never ridden thinking of my mother once again. As of late I have been thinking of her more and more. "Serenity no matter what happens today please stay close to the young master and myself. I do not wish to see you get hurt in any way." Father says as he looks into my eyes and I nod quickly not wanting to anger him. "I understand father." I say softly before we fall into a comfortable silence. Once to the train station I stay by father's side as we walk to the train. Poor Finny ran into a man who was loading something onto the train. Once we were on the train I ended up sitting next to father who was right across from Ciel.

I look around the whole thing carefully before looking out the window. Once everyone was on I would look over the people to see if any one was a danger. Besides I didn't want to interrupt the conversation that my father and Ciel were having. "How are you feeling Serenity? You are looking better today." Ciel says as he looks me over and I give a soft sigh. "I am feeling a little better young master. It is kind of you to worry about me." I say giving him a half bow. Father gives me a small smile before he pats the top of my head a few times. The last few days I hadn't gotten sick, I just thought it was because William was home at night with me when he could be and I wasn't as worried about him or it could have to do with the demon doctor that my father made look me over. I still didn't understand the point of the test that was run on me but my father looked relived after that was done so I guess that was worth it in the end.The train starts to move and father makes Ciel some tea before they talk about the case that we are on. "Serenity come we are going to go get some sweet. Come along." Ciel says as he stands before we walk out of the private car before we stop to look around. Everyone was so loud and we stopped in the walk way. Soon an officer walks in yelling about a killer being transported on the train and father backs me up into a seat before he picks up Ciel so he wouldn't get hurt by the people that rush past.

Once in the dinning car I end up sitting by father but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone evil was watching me. I hardly pay attention to what was going on in the conversation. As we walk back to Ciel's car they talk about who the kidnapper could be before a man bumps into Ciel. Ciel orders father to go after the kidnapper and I look down at Ciel who looked angry but he grabs my arm pulling me behind him. "Young master what now?" I ask and he scowls at nothing in particular before pulling me to the cop. "Silence Serenity and follow me." Ciel orders and I sigh softly but do as he asks of me. We get the cop to follow us and he goes down. "Serenity let's go." Ciel orders and we get to where the coffin was placed. I give a small sigh when we see the boy but stiffen a little as the man walks into the room behind us. I feel something hit the back of my neck and crumble to the floor, I couldn't get to my feet something was wrong with me. I couldn't move at all making me cruse lightly under my breath as I watch helplessly as Ciel was taken away. I felt so helpless.

Claude's pov.

I was a little shocked to see the girl I wanted. She was sitting with the butler from Phantomhive and was looking over at Earl Phantomhive with question as he eats. Serenity I would have her, this would be the best time to take her away. When the roof of the dining car was taken off I scowl lightly at it before turning my attention to the butler from before. I confront Sebastian with the cloth from my table before giving him the letter I was ordered to deliver. The earl and the girl weren't by his side so I take the opportunity to go looking for her if she was alone. I find the Earl gently patting her back as she threw up. "Sebastian should be back soon. Deep breaths Serenity." He orders her and she gives a half nod before doing as he tells her. She takes several deep breathes before coughing a little. I frown but take a small step forward. She turns her head to the side a little and glares over at me before moving so she was shielding the young earl. "Serenity?" The Earl asks her and she gives a small sigh before glancing over at the earl a small smile on her lips. "It is nothing young master. I thought I saw something but it was just a bug." She says turning her attention back to her master. The ride to the next stop I watched carefully and once I saw her away from both earl and butler I hit the back of her head knocking her out.

Her father, His butlerWhere stories live. Discover now