Chapter 34

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Serenity's pov.

It has been a week since we went to the doctor, every night the baby would move around as if begging for William's attention as well as my own. In that week I hadn't been back to the manor, instead I was working with Undertaker. He somehow talked William into letting me come work in his shop, I loved flowers and I was kept in the back room at Williams insistence. Today I was going to be heading to the manor again but father was running a little late and I had insisted on William heading to work so he didn't have to wait with me. "Father please hurry." I mumble to myself as I pace a little, I was more than safe here alone but it would make William feel better if I had someone looking after me as I napped during the day. After almost an hour of my father not showing up I walk over to the phone and call the manor. Father had taught me how to use it within my first few months being in the human world. "Phantomhive manor." Bard says on the other end and I give a small relieved sigh. "Bard it is Serenity. Do you happen to know where my father is?" I say and it sounded like the phone was dropped before there was a curse. "Sebastian and the young master went out early this morning to deal with a case. Is everything alright Serenity? Did something happen to you?" Bard asks worry clear in his tone and I hold back the laugh that wanted to bubble out. "Everything is fine Bard. I was just supposed to meet with my father and he was running a little late. I am fine, please tell my father I called when he returns and let him know I headed to Undertakers for the day." I say and Bard quickly agrees before we hang up.

I huff a little before walking up to my room and grabbing a warmer jacket and changing my shoes so I didn't twist my ankle on the long walk into town. I should talk to William about getting us a horse or something. It would be helpful when we have to go to the hospital when I'm ready to have the baby. Just thinking about it make my heart beat wildly in my chest and I couldn't help but look into the nursery right next to my room. True to his word William had helped me get everything set up in here. "Maybe I can have Undertaker come get me." I say as I walk back down stairs but I growl a little as the handle to the door jiggles like someone was picking the lock. Quickly and quietly I make my way back up stair and to my fathers room where all the weapons are. I grab a few knives and hide them before hiding myself. After a few minutes I hear a click then what sounds like three sets of footsteps into the house. "Little pet come out to play." The spider calls and I narrow my eyes a little at the thought of him coming into my home to take me away. That wasn't happening at all. I make it to the window and jump out silently before running from the house. I knew I shouldn't be doing it but I was. I couldn't let them hurt me or hurt the baby.

Without a second thought I run to the one place that was safe, that I would be protected, I ran right to my grandfather's house. I could hear them running after me but I wasn't going to stop until I got there. I pound on the door praying to the dark one grandfather would open the door quickly. The spider was getting closer and I could see the smirk on his lips when the door behind me opens and I stumble in before running to my grandfather. "Grandfather." I yelp as I run into his office and he jumps to his feet before walking over to me. He holds me close as I gasp for breath, he didn't even ask me what was wrong just acted as if someone was after my child and myself. "What in the name of the dark one happened little one?" Grandfather asks once I was breathing normally again. "I was waiting for father to get me and that wretched spider demon broke in. I ran here without thinking and he chased me the whole way. I was so afraid he would hurt my baby." I say. He leads me to a chair and has me sit as his butler gets us some water. "Stay here until your father can get you." He mumbles and I nod before fainting.

Sebastian's pov.

I know I was late to pick up Serenity but I hadn't expected for my master to get a last minute case or that I couldn't let her know in any way that I wasn't coming to get her. Every time I thought I might have a chance at telling Serenity what was going on it was gone in seconds with the way my master was acting with this case. I wasn't shocked when I run into William after meeting the new reaper. He looks around a little as if expecting to see my daughter with me. "Where is she?" William asks and the new reaper looks a little confused as to what was going on between us. "At home. I have been unable to retrieve her for the day." I say and he narrows his eyes a little. "She's alone then?" He asks and suddenly I felt very stupid for not thinking that might be part of the plan that was going on here. "My little raven is smart, she probably called to be gotten by now." I say and he scowls a little at me but I don't really care what he has to say this is my daughter we are talking about. "Ummm Mr. Spears should we not be attacking him? He is a demon right?" The new reaper asks and William huffs a little. "Serenity will have my head if I kill you." He grumbles making me laugh a little at his words. We both were at the mercy of my daughter, I couldn't even land a killing blow on him since our first fight because of her. "He is a demon and we will attack him in a moment." William says making the new reaper frown a little at his words. "So it's true then Alois Trancy is dead. That is what you asked Serenity not to tell me isn't it?" I say and this makes the new reaper just about fall off the roof. Now I remember where I had seen him, at Serenity's house. He was one of the few reapers William trusted around my daughter. "It is." William says as he fixes his glasses before we start to fight. After the new reaper almost takes us both out I use that to my advantage to knock William's glasses off his face. 'Serenity isn't going to yell at me for hurting her mate that way.' I think before I run away from the two reapers in question. I just hoped that nothing bad has befallen my master as I dealt with this and that damned spider stays away from my daughter as well.

Her father, His butlerWhere stories live. Discover now