Chapter 33

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Serenity's pov.

I felt that there was a change in the air. I don't know what had woken me up like that but I was now awake. "Serenity are you alright? Do you feel sick?" William asks as he sits up and wraps his arms gently around me. I know he was worried about me, a lot more so since we had gotten the news of that little Earl's death. "I am fine William. I do not feel sick. Something just feels different." I say and he frowns a little before pulling me closer to himself. I knew he could hardly see anything without his glasses on. I knew we both felt better knowing that brat was dead but the fact that his demon killed him made me feel a little angry. "Love lay back down. You need to sleep." William mumbles as he pulls me back down before pulling me closer to himself so my head was resting on his chest, his free hand gently rubbing my stomach where our child was. He was worrying to much, I was only a hand full of months into this pregnancy but I could understand his worry. "It will be four months in a few days. We need to go see the doctor again soon." William says in a sleepy tone, his eyes closing a little but his hand keeps moving. "Then we can go see one by the end of the week." I say as I cuddle closer to my mate who hums lightly at my actions. "I will get the time off. We can make the appointment in the morning." William says before he falls back asleep. He wanted to be there for every moment of this pregnancy. He had somehow talked his superiors into letting him come home every night to take care of me, and when he couldn't I was with Undertaker or my father.

I fall asleep not long after my mate. The next time I wake up was to being moved and I growl a little before holding onto my mate who gives a small sigh. "Love let go." He says softly, hair moving off my face but I refused to let him go. There was a deep chuckle that sounded familiar to me but I didn't want to let my warm mate go or get out of our bed. "It would appear that my daughter does not wish to leave your bed." My father says and I whimper a little before opening my eyes just barely. I could see my father standing in the door way giving us an amused smile. "She did wake in the middle of the night. Did you talk to Grell?" William says as he plays with my hair making me give a sigh and I relax a little more my eyes closing again and I start to fall back asleep. "Grell was not here when I got here. Undertaker let me in. He said something happened last night." Father says and William sighs before he tries once again to sit up this time I growl at him and open my eyes to look into his angry that they had gotten me up at all. I just wanted to sleep, I didn't want to move now that I was comfortable. "Morning love." William says as he gives me a soft smile, he was trying to make me happy that I was awake.

I narrow my eyes a little at my mate before glancing over at my father who smiles softly at me before he opens his arms to me. "You can go back to sleep on our trip to the manor." Father says and I huff a little before turning my attention back to William. "Love I need to go to work." William starts and I move away from him suddenly not feeling wanted by my mate who should want to be with me at all times. I pout a little and he gives a small sigh then reaching out to me. "Serenity please do not pout like that. I hate when you do." William says as he looks me over, my father was watching what was going on between us but he didn't say anything. "No just go. Go work it is more important right?" I hiss at him refusing to make eye contact with him and I hear a click before glancing over at the door to see my father was gone. "Serenity, love your more important than anything else. Please dear believe me." William says as he moves closer to me and soon his arms were wrapped around my middle, his head now resting on my stomach and I couldn't help but relax at his actions. All the anger left me and I hug him the best I could with the way he was holding me. "I am being a fool." I mumble and William sighs, his breath warming my stomach a little making me shiver a little at it.

"Your not a fool love. You just do not want to be alone. Now let us get dressed and I will call the doctor about us seeing him at the end of the week to make sure our little one is alright." William says before he kisses my stomach a few times then sitting up a little to look into my eyes. I nod my head and we quickly get dressed before walking down to the kitchen where my father was making tea. Undertaker was gone and William walked over to the phone leaving me alone with my father. "Serenity, what happened last night?" Father asks as he walks over with a cup to me. I take a deep breath but take the cup before blowing lightly on it. "Grell came over last night as we were eating. He had a problem with a soul and I was going to head upstairs so the reapers could all talk. I was shocked when Grell just told us that..." I start but William walks into the room making me stop talking. "Serenity the doctor can see us today. We will be going there now." William says and father gives us a confused look before nodding his head. "Please bring her over once your done." Father says and he leaves me alone with William.

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