Chapter 27

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William's pov.

Serenity has gotten better since the day she had that vision. Sebastian has been keeping her even closer than before and he insisted on taking her to see a doctor dispute my insistence that I would take her myself. He reluctantly agreed to my demands so I was using one of my very few days off work to go out with both my wife and her father to see a doctor. "Are you ready to go love?" I ask as I walk to our room and knock gently on it. Serenity has been sleeping in late almost every morning, something her father found annoying but he allowed it thinking it would heal her faster. "Ready." She says as she walks out of our room. She has on a simple dress on, nothing fancy unlike what she would wear into town when she had to do the shopping. I take her hand and we head outside to the waiting carriage that her father was sitting on. "Good morning." He says as he gets down and opens the door before helping Serenity into the carriage. "Thank you father." Serenity says in a soft tone before giving him a small smile. I get in after Serenity glaring at her father as I pass him. The ride was quiet mostly due to Serenity falling asleep not even five minutes into it. When we arrive I gently shake Serenity awake and the two of us get out of the carriage with the help of her father before we head into the hospital. Serenity was clinging to my arm with a death grip as if she was going to get hurt in some way.

Sebastian got Serenity checked in so now we were waiting for the doctor to see us. I was getting annoyed that many of the woman here were looking me as well as Sebastian over with hungry eyes. I hated when things like this happened so I just tighten my grip on Serenity making sure they could see my wedding ring as I pat Serenity's head or wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Her father looked very stiff as well so he moved closer to Serenity as well as if to reassure himself. The wait was excruciating but finally Serenity was called back. Sebastian and I follow Serenity to the room mostly because she was still clinging to my arm. Sebastian and I were forced to stand off to the side as a doctor looked Serenity over slowly before taking samples from her. "It will take a while for the results of our test. You look in good health at the moment." The doctor says and Serenity gives him a gentle smile. It wasn't like the ones she would give to me or her father just one to reassure humans that she was alright. "How long until we get the results of the test?" Sebastian asks as he looks over his daughter who was playing with her fingers. "A few days. We will send a letter and let you know." The doctor says before he leaves us alone.

"Father?" Serenity asks as she glances over at him as I walk over to her. She clings to me like before and her father gives a small sigh as he looks her over before walking to her other side. "Things will be alright. Let us get you back home." He says as he gently pats her head making her nod a few times before she glances over at me. I smile softly at her and hold her closer to me as we walk out to the waiting carriage. The whole ride home I hold her close to myself as she hums some odd little song. When we arrive home her father helps her out before he walks with her to the front door. I watch as he fusses over her and talks to her in a calming tone making her relax a little. I walk over to her and place a hand on her lower back making her lean into my touch as a sigh escapes her lips. "If anything happens please let me know I will be back here to help as quickly as I can." Sebastian says as he looks over at me and I nod my head a few times. We watch him leave before I lead Serenity into our house where I hang her coat and my own before we walk to the kitchen to make some tea. All day long we just sat together talking or cuddling. Serenity was never far from my side and at dinner time I sit in the kitchen watching her cook as she sings some song. I had no idea what she was saying due to her singing in the language of demons. That was one thing I noticed she hardly talked in her native tong unless she was with her father or times like this where she would sing.

"What are you saying?" I ask when she was done. She paused in cooking to look over at me before going back to cooking. "I do not know how to translate it into human words. It is a song many demon mothers sing to their young. Mother sang it to me all the time when I got sick or hurt." She says a few tears forming in her eyes making me sigh. I stand before walking quickly to her side and whipping away the tears that were starting to fall. "Love do not cry." I mumble as I gently hold her to myself so she could still cook. She gives a few sobs and rest her head on my shoulder making me gently pat her back until she calmed down. "I miss her." Serenity says as she just rest her head on my shoulder, cooking all but forgotten. It was good that she was almost done so all I had to do was move the food off the heat so it didn't burn. "I know love. I know you do. But she is with you still." I say softly making her give a small sigh. Now that she was calmed down we had our meal in silence. That night as Serenity slept I headed down to my office that was hidden away. Serenity knew I had one but had no idea what I was doing in it. I sigh softly as I look over the to die list I had in front of me. I tried hard not to bring home work and if Serenity knew I had she would be very angry with me. I hated that I had to lie to her about not working but this was going to be a quick case. No one would know she was alone at all.

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