Chapter 25

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Serenity's pov.

It has been a little over three months since the final fight with that angel. Father had come back once to tell me what happened to Ciel's soul and how he had to go find it. I had been worried when I saw he still missed his arm but he told me things would be alright so I shouldn't worry so much. Since then I haven't heard from him making me worry a great deal about him. He hadn't been to happy when he arrived and found out I had been stabbed by my aunt or the news my uncles had given him about it. Since then I hadn't been let out of the house much due to William insisting I needed to heal. I was however allowed to stay with Undertaker over the day to get some fresh air. Seeing as how the Phantomhive manor was under reconstruction I had nothing better to do so I helped Undertaker with making flower arrangements as well as doing make up on his guest so they looked perfect. William came home every night until my side was fully healed never once letting me out of his sight at night and I formed this odd sort of friendship with Grell. Half the time I wanted to kill him for flirting with William or his announcement of undying love for my father.

Since I had healed, my leg was taking a little longer than my side due to my lack of feeding as often as I should. Today after three months of William, Grell, Undertaker and my uncles fussing over me I finally went out on my own to hunt. I was supposed to go with my uncles to hunt but I didn't feel like waiting or being treated like I was seven, I was fifty-four for the dark one's sake. I head to a city that was very small, no one would miss a person or two should they go missing and seeing as how the town was on water people would think they drowned. I walk carefully throw the darkening streets knowing I was drawing a lot of unwanted attention from older men who were my father's age but that wasn't going to stop me from hunting. I soon found a few children who were playing near the water and they look happily up at me. "Will you play with us lady?" One of the little boys asks as he holds out a ball. I smile softly at them before nodding my head. I wasn't so cruel to kill a child no matter how hungry I may get. "Only for a little while. You should all head home soon." I say as I take the ball from him. I play with them until a woman starts to yell at them about coming in to eat. I wave at them before I make my way out for a unwilling meal. Soon I find the perfect man, he looked like the town drunk so it wouldn't be unusual for him to take a dip in the water on the plus side his soul smelled wonderful almost right to make a contract with. I walk over to him and he smiles happily at me before willingly following me after a few flirtatious smiles and showing him a little skin. William would be sickened by the way I hunt but I was a child, I used my sex appeal to hunt when on my own. Soon I had him in a secluded looking part of the town before I strike.

He didn't put up much of a fight and I give a small relived sigh once I was done with him before pushing his dead body into the water watching as it bobs up and down a little before floating there. I quickly blend into the night as people start this way and soon hear a scream knowing they just founded the man in the water. I sigh softly before moving on knowing that I wasn't going to get another meal out of this town now that they had found the body so quickly. I was going to have to find another place and hope they had a river or lake that it would take a little longer. Another soul or two and I would be back to normal. It didn't take me long to make it to another town and find a couple who was more than willing to be my next meal before I head back home. Like the last month no one was there making me frown a little so I walk up to my room before pulling out a night gown then heading to the bathroom. I take a nice long hot bath after making sure the whole house was locked up tightly. Once I was done with my bath I head to bed knowing that it was going to be another lonely night.

Alois's pov.

Claude and I were walking around London getting me new cloths and such when I see a girl not much older than me walking around. Her hair was as black as raven's feather's and her eyes were a crimson that were perfect in my eyes. She had her hair down which wasn't normal for girls that I have seen before. "Claude I want that girl." I say as I glance once more at her and see her looking over at us before she smiles a little. I felt my heart skip a beat. Claude looks her over his eyes narrowing a little before they go wide and he gives a small sigh. "She may be hard to get." He says making me scowl up at him meaning I had to take my eyes off the angel I wanted. When I look back over at where she had been I see she was no longer there. I look around quickly only to see that she was walking in our direction now making me panic a little thinking of just being close to her. I wasn't ready for that. "Excuse me may I get past?" She asks me making me look behind me to see I was in the way of the shop's door. I move to the side making her smile softly. "Thank you Sir." She says before she walks into the shop. Once she was inside I look up at Claude. "Let us follow her." I order and he sighs before we walk into the shop she just did.

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