Chapter 8

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Sereninty's pov.

After spending a whole day planting new flowers with Finny I was more than excited to learn whatever father was going to teach me. I wasn't entirely sure what father was going to teach me but it had to be something helpful in the human world. Father was in the middle of teaching me how to make a cake when there was a letter brought in. "Serenity stay here." Father says as he walks away with a letter. I sigh as I stand there looking over the mix in front of me that needed to go into the pan before long. "We are leaving for a case." Father says as he walks back into the room looking a little annoyed. "But...." I start before frowning. I was going to miss my date with William tomorrow. "We are heading to Houndsworth. I can't leave you here alone with the others coming with us. To top it all off the village is full of dogs." Father says as we finish the cake. I call William that night to tell him the bad news and he was a little relived because he was about to call me as well. It would appear things for the grim reapers were getting busy so he had hardly any free time the next week.

On the ride to the town I sit with the servants and we stop for Finny to help a old woman. "Is the Baby ok?" Mey-Rin asks before the old lady starts to talk in a rhyme. I wasn't as shocked as the others and could hear Ciel talking to father about why we were here. Father tells Ciel how he hates dogs and Ciel woofs at her making me giggle silently. "Serenity stay with Finny when we arrive." Father orders as he looks behind himself at me as he drives. "Yes father." I say softly. That was a good perk of being a demon no one could hear our silent conversation no matter how far apart we were. I help bring in the bags and stand between Finny and Bard as they all talk to Angela. I didn't like that woman something about her was off. I was collected by father for my reading lesson as he took care of Ciel. It would appear there was a demon hound, father was told to take care of it. The servants run outside in the night cloths and Angela talks to us.

We were taken to a man who was dead by the village and I give a small sigh as I watch what was going on. "The white dog is a good dog, good dog, good dog, good. The black dog is a bad dog, a bad dog, bad...." The villagers start and I tilt my head as I listen to them. Lord Barymore takes us back to his home and I sleep next to my father who was upset about something. The next morning the servants were all down and father cheers them up by taking them to a swimming hole. I sit on the ground between father and Ciel who were talking as they watch the servants. Father and Ciel have a silent conversations before father pats the top of my head. "Watch the master as I go do some work." Father orders me and I nod my head. Not much later the villagers run past talking about punishing a dog. I stand behind Ciel with the others watching what was going on and could hear Finny's heart beating quickly. He goes to save the dog and we all rush over to him. This made the villagers mad.

Ciel was changed up and I was changed up behind him growling lightly. "I will kill him." I growl lightly and before I could do anything father shows up to save us all. "You cut that close." Ciel says and father gives him a curt answer. "Serenity." Father says softly and at the same time as him my eyes change to that of a demons as I look at the dogs with him. I blink as soon as they stand down and listen to my father and Ciel give all the evidence to the lord's crime. The villages take him away chanting punish Jame's killer. Father lets us all out of the chains and I stand behind him next to father as we watch Finny.

Ciel's pov.

Serenity had been so angry when I was chained up and I heard her growling at Lord Barymore even her threat to kill him. Something that I was going to keep from Sebastian. There was a scream and we all rush down to see Mey-Rin on the ground pointing to the empty cell. I look around for the daughter of my butler only to see her missing. "Sebastian where is Serenity?" I ask and he gives a small sigh. "Asleep. She wasn't feeling well when we arrived back here." Sebastian says and I tilt my head confused by what he was saying because she looked fine to me. I gave him a look telling him we would talk about this once we were done down here in the basement where the cell was. It turned out Lord Barymore was taken by someone or something making me doubt if I was right in there being no demon hound here.  Blood was on the ground and the servants were panicking about what was going on. There was a pounding on the front door before a villager came running in talking about the demon hound. We rush to where the villagers were gathered and in a flash of lighting we see a dead Lord Barymore. The villagers were screaming for forgiveness as Sebastian looks over the dead man. Angela faints and Finny catches her. I feel a little uneasy knowing we had left Serenity alone in the manor of the dead man asleep.

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