Chapter 30

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Serenity's pov.

William had fussed over me over the last few days. I wasn't allowed to leave bed much and when I did William was always at my side. He wraps his arms around my waist as I start cooking our dinner. "It smells good in here. Your cooking is getting better." William says as he gently rest his chin on my left shoulder. I smile softly at his words before humming softly and use my free hand to pat his hands that were wrapped around me. "I should thank my father for that. I will need to learn more to take care of our child." I say making him sigh softly. "We will learn together. Would you like me to help you with anything?" William asks as he lets me go and moves to stand next to me. I look over at him before giving a soft sigh. "Set the table and I need that basket of apples pealed." I say and he nods before doing as I asked. I was almost done cooking and William was half way throw pealing the apples when there was a knock on the door. I look over at William who frowns a little but places the knife and half pealed apple down. "I'll be right back." He says as he walks to the door to see who was there. I half expected it to be my father, I know he came by almost every night once I was asleep, when William could get me to sleep. I had been having reacquiring nightmares of my week held by that damned spider demon. William and father never noticed me listening to them talk on the visits. The few minutes William was away from me I start to panic a little, as of yesterday I had panic attacks when I was alone in a room. "William is everything alright?" I call as I pull away from the oven the food now finished. William walks quickly back into the room and I stiffen a little seeing someone behind him and let out a deadly growl.

"Love it's just Undertaker. He wanted to visit with us." William says as he rushes over to me to take the pan from me. I relax a little as William wraps his free arm around my waist. I refused to look up at Undertaker just turn in William's hold to start working on the apples. William let me go but was watching me carefully. "Little bird how are you feeling?" Undertaker asks and I could see him move a little closer but pauses when I growl at him once again. I wasn't doing well around men now, a new fear that had set in. I don't answer Undertaker at all I just work on pealing apples to make a pie for tonight's desert. "Serenity has been a little on edge around men." William says and I give a small sigh but make quick work of the apples, William was much to slow in doing this. This is why I didn't ask him for help when making dinner, he was to slow at times. "I see. Well little bird when your ready I will listen to you talk if it will help you get used to being around me again." Undertaker says and I glance up at him to see a small frown from on his face making me stop what I was doing. "Did William tell you what happened?" I ask feeling shame so I look at the apples again not wanting to see pity in his eyes as he looks at me. "I heard rumors. Nothing I was willing to believe until you tell me the truth." Undertaker says and I feel tears starting to form and fall feeling a little joy at his words. I didn't think much as I set the apple and knife down before walking over to him and looking up. I know William was still keeping a close eye on me. "Thank you." I whisper and he sighs softly before patting the top of my head a few times. "Hehehe~! No need to thank me little bird. Now when your ready to tell me you can." He says and I felt so much better. I couldn't help but sob and I glance over at William who gives a small nod and encouraging smile on his lips. He wanted me to talk to someone. I refused to tell him and my father everything that had happened and I trusted them more than anyone else in the world.

"I got kidnapped. A spider demon took me under his human masters orders. When I woke up after he knocked me out he cut off my clothes. I was chained to the bed so I could not stop him......." I start before letting out a small sob and William was at my side wrapping his arms around me as I start to feel my legs give out a little. Undertaker looked upset and he frowns a little at my words. "He raped you?" He asks and I nod not able to get the words out. "A week straight of it. Him and his master. I couldn't used my powers at all. I was to weak from my lack of feeding and my unconsciously protecting the baby." I say and Undertaker stiffens before looking me over slowly then looking at William. William was the only thing keeping me on my feet right now, he holds me tighter just to keep me up as if he was afraid to have me on the ground. "That explains a few things. I thought it was odd that your soul looked like it was split into two parts. I never thought you two would be having a child so soon after getting married." Undertaker says as he looks me over. I think the two reapers had an unspoken agreement to not talk about anything bad in front of me. I could tell from the tense atmosphere in the room that Undertaker was angered by what he just heard.

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