Chapter 3

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College opened your eyes to a whole new world. Surrounded by people who shared your interests, you were no longer the nerdy know-it-all. Instead, you had to push yourself to keep up, and you found that you loved the challenge. The professors presented you with a level of difficulty you had never encountered before, and it felt invigorating. You became so absorbed in your studies that you often forgot about everything else, including contacting friends like Yelena.

Although it had started off well, you soon found yourself overwhelmed by the mounting pressure and the increasing coursework. Juggling your academic responsibilities with the various activities that Kate had pulled you into wasn't easy.

One day, you were deep in a book at the library when Yelena abruptly appeared, dumping herself into the chair beside you. She knocked your book aside and gave you a disappointing look.

"What the hell, Ducky? I thought you were dead. Have you forgotten how to use a phone, or what's the problem?" Yelena asked, her voice laced with disappointment.

You gasped as she pushed your book aside, and you turned your tired eyes to her. "What?" You were baffled by her sudden appearance.

"What the hell, Ducky? Are you trying to work yourself to death? The term has just begun," Yelena said more carefully as she took in your state.

"No, it's just more than I expected, and I can't risk getting kicked out," you defended in a stressed tone, running your hand through your hair in distress. This new formula had been driving you to the brink, and you feared the consequences if you couldn't grasp it.

"Hey, hey, calm down. How about we go back to my room, and we'll tackle it together?" Yelena tried to calm you softly, her voice tinged with concern.

You looked down at your book in defeat and agreed with Yelena. She helped you gather your books and led you out of the library.

"Is this a bad time to ask how things are going?" Yelena inquired cautiously, but her voice carried a playful undertone.

"I'm confused. Math has never confused me before. It used to be the only thing that made sense to me. But now I feel lost. Don't get me wrong, it was great in the beginning, really great. But these last few days, they presented us with a formula I can't wrap my head around, and I'm lost," you rambled, tugging on your hair in distress.

"Hey now, calm down, okay? There will be times when even geniuses like you will be confused. But I've never seen anyone solve problems like you do, so I know for a fact that when we get you sorted with food and rest, you'll see that things will start making sense again." Yelena assured you, gently holding your hands to prevent you from pulling at your hair in distress.

"But math has never been confusing for me... It's always been my safe haven when the world got chaotic. I could always rely on it to make sense, but now... now I just don't know what to do," your voice quivered, and tears streamed down your cheeks. With a frustrated gesture, you removed your hands from Yelena's grasp to wipe away the tears.

Yelena swiftly pulled you into her embrace as you broke down. It felt like hours, although it couldn't have been more than a few minutes or seconds before your panic gradually subsided. She gently released you when your sobs turned into slow sniffles.

She took your hand and guided you back home. When you reached the house, Wanda greeted you with a smile that quickly faded as she noticed your tear-streaked face.

Approaching with concern, Wanda asked you quietly, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Yelena intervened, "I'm handling it, Wanda. We're going to my room."

Blushing with embarrassment, you huddled closer to Yelena. She guided you to her room and instructed, "Go lay down. I'll go downstairs to get something for you to eat."

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