Chapter 20

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You had thought that it would be easy to find a balance in your life, to not become completely consumed by your feelings for Natasha and Wanda. But instead, it seemed though you became incapable of finding joy in anything that didn't involve them. Your intense yearning to be with them overshadowed every other aspect of your life.

The days leading up to seeing them again dragged on torturously slow. Each hour was agony, and it bothered you how everything had turned into a dull shade of grey without their presence. When did the change happen, and how had you missed the transformation occurring? You shook your head as you looked inside your wardrobe with a sinking feeling; nothing felt good enough. The yearning for their appraisal compounded the already sinking feeling of seeing them. Your mind felt split in two, one fighting this change, a creeping embarrassment at how you let yourself go when it comes to them. The other part was cheering you on, willingly adding saucy and very distracting slideshows of the passionate night that you shared. Your body burned for them while your mind was at war, and you wondered which side would win in the end.

The beeping of your phone declared the winner as you floated over, the butterflies in your stomach taking flight. You were almost vibrating by the point you got your phone unlocked, and the message from Natasha only added to the feeling as it declared that they were waiting outside.

You sprinted over to the wardrobe and ripped out the dress you had worn on the night everything had turned south with James; deciding that this was the time to create a new and hopefully better memory with this dress. Caressing the hem to ensure it had no wrinkles, you turned to the mirror to make sure your hair looked good before gathering your things and leaving.

A sleek black car was parked outside the curb as you exited your building, and when it opened, you noticed Natasha waving for you to get in with a teasing smile. You wasted no time as you rushed over, and she laughed as she ushered you in. Wanda's ring-clad fingers wrapped around your wrist as she pulled you towards her over the black leather seats, and when you were close enough she kissed you deeply. Her fingers curled around the back of your neck, and you sighed against her pillowy lips, sinking into the softness of her body. She was so gentle as her lips slowly slid over yours, and her breath was hot against your lips each time she parted only to lean in again and kiss you once more.

"Sharing is caring," Natasha chuckled, guiding your chin towards her lips as you eagerly indulged in the taste of her kiss.

Your toes curled in pleasure as the intensity of the kiss deepened, relishing in the soft sounds emanating from her throat. Desperate to feel her closer, you tangled your fingers in her hair, urging her on. She responded eagerly, her tongue slipping inside your mouth and you shivered in pleasure. Lost in the intoxicating sweetness of her lips, you surrendered to the moment, feeling as though you could happily drown in her embrace.

Your tumultuous and guilt-ridden thoughts drifted away with each glide of her pillowy lips, leaving you to wonder how you would ever survive without the comforting embrace and soft kisses that made your stomach flutter and your heart race.

As she pulled back from the kiss, you leaned gratefully against the arm she had wrapped around you, still catching your breath. Natasha seemed to recover quickly, her lips trailing to your throat amidst whispers from Wanda about how much they had missed you. Reluctantly released from her hold, you fell back against Wanda, and you sent Natasha a playful pout.

Natasha's eyes sparkled with amusement, prompting an even deeper pout from you.

"Did you want more?" she teased.

"Yes," you grumbled.

Feeling Wanda's chuckle against your back, your disappointment turned to embarrassment as she drew you closer.

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