Chapter 11

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You watched your reflection in the mirror, admiring the light green lace dress that Yelena had gifted you for Christmas. It was a cute dress that tastefully showcased a generous portion of your legs. It struck a perfect balance between cute and sexy, and as you twirled to assess its length, you were relieved to find it was not too short. With a satisfied smile, you busied yourself smoothing out a crease near the hem when there was a gentle knock on the door.

"It's open!" You called out.

In a whirlwind of green hues, Wanda entered the room, her dress flowing behind her, adding to the regal air that always surrounded her. Your pulse quickened by the sight of her, and as you tried to quell the erratic beating of your heart it didn't help that you couldn't stop admiring her shining and soft looking curls that gracefully fell over her ample chest.

"Still my beating heart, what a vision you are, my darling," Wanda exclaimed theatrically while shooting you a cheeky smile.

Grateful for the compliment, you mumbled a bashful thank you as she moved towards the vanity.

"Would it be okay if I dolled you up a bit?" Wanda asked gently and her green eyes sparkled in the dim light.

"Yeah, sure, but I don't usually wear makeup, so I don't know what to do with it," you confessed.

She hummed warmly, beckoning you closer with a flourish of her hand, and your stomach fluttered wonderfully.

Wanda's hands, warm and gentle, ghosted over your skin as she skillfully gathered your hair. She braided it loosely before transforming it into an elegant bun.

"You have such lovely hair," she complimented while focusing on your locks and delicately twirling a stray curl with her finger, allowing it to frame your face.

You found yourself captivated by Wanda's every move reflected in the mirror. Her confident and fluid motions held a certain allure and you struggled to maintain composure. You fought your natural responses, not wanting to appear too affected by her compliment.

"Lean your head back for me and close your eyes," Wanda murmured, gently guiding your chin up.

You gazed into her eyes, they were darker tonight and you found yourself a bit enchanted as she looked down at you. Her soft smile reassured you as she repeated her command, and you closed your eyes, placing your trust in her gentle hands.

Remaining still was a challenge as you felt the tender journey of her fingers across your face—gentle swipes beneath your eyes, her thumb softly tracing your bottom lip. Her warm breath brushed against your heated skin, creating a sensation that felt simultaneously heavenly and torturous. Your heart raced, accustomed to these extra beats in the presence of Natasha and Wanda.

"Perhaps this was a bad idea," Wanda's voice broke the silence and you opened your eyes. You looked at her with worry and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered by the look in her eyes, your eyes followed hers as her eyes darted across your face.

"Why?" You couldn't help but ask. Self-consciousness creeping in as you tried to catch a glimpse of your reflection by leaning to the side and peering around Wanda.

She steadied you in the chair, chuckling deeply. "Oh don't you worry, sweetheart. But I fear our guests tonight might find it challenging to concentrate if I let you go down looking this pretty."

Meeting her gaze through your lashes, you tried to settle the butterflies in your stomach. There was an inexplicable pull as you observed Wanda biting her bottom lip again before releasing it leaving it shining and inviting. Questions lingered in your mind—how would it feel to be kissed by her? What would her lips feel like pressed against yours? Unconsciously, you licked your lips, only realizing it when Wanda's eyes dropped to your mouth. Her breath seemed to catch, and when her gaze returned to meet yours, her eyes mirrored a stormy night. Closing the distance, she leaned in, causing your hand to twitch—was it anticipation, fear, or excitement? A whole lot of emotions surged through your body as you watched her approach.

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