Chapter 18

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Chapter warning: Smut / NSFW

You had to admit that you had imagined Wanda without clothes a shameful amount of times by now, but your imagination had not served you well. The woman lying bare beneath you was far, far better than any fantasy. There was no way you could have imagined this. Every curve of hers was exquisite. She was perfect.

Wanda's eyes were warm and patient as she let you simply admire her.

"You're so beautiful," you whispered.

"So are you," she replied softly, her voice calm and gentle.

You blushed as realization hit you that you were sitting on top of her naked. It didn't matter that they had touched you so very intimately only moments ago. Seeing her beneath you made you squirm as her eyes traveled the expanse of your skin like you were something reverent. You couldn't fathom why she did, it felt impossible when she was the embodiment of beauty.

Your breath stuttered as your fingertips made contact with her warm, soft skin, everything felt heightened as you felt her skin stretch and retract as she moved beneath you.

"Do you want to touch her?" Natasha whispered as she pressed her front against your back, enjoying the feel of her soft breast pressed against your back.

"Y-yes," you breathed out in awe as your fingers flexed against Wanda's skin.

Wanda covered your hand with hers, and you looked up at her. Your nerves made themselves known as you met her eyes and you offered her a wobbly smile. Almost as if she was inside your mind reading your every tumultuous thought, she pulled you forward and pressed her lips against your fingers before trailing down.

"Still so nervous," Wanda murmured against the palm of your hand before kissing each finger so exquisitely slow it made your stomach do that funny thing again.

You wanted to tell her you weren't nervous, but your words got stuck in your throat. The thought of pleasing her like they had pleased you had been your only thought when you had come down from your high. But now, hovering above her, all that bravado was slipping away, and you were left with your frail nerves. It dawned on you how inexperienced you truly were, that you had no idea how to do this.

"Remember what we told you, darling." Natasha caressed your side before grasping you, pulling you back against her front again. "Trust us to take care of you."

"I want to learn to do what you did," you admitted quietly after a few seconds of silence.

"Let me guide you," Natasha offered with a smile against your neck before dropping her voice to a soft husk, "I will show you what she likes."

That was exactly what you desired since you had boldly asked for more. Time. Time to explore their bodies like they had explored yours. You wanted to know every part of them. Every curve, every part that made them tremble.

"Please," you breathed out while looking down at Wanda who caressed your thigh with an inviting smile.

Natasha gently helped you into position, guiding you onto your knees in front of Wanda. Even if the sight of her undressed in front of you felt intimidating, it also felt wonderfully right to be kneeling between her legs. She showed no shame as she spread her legs open for you with a smile—an unmistakable invitation to pay tribute to the altar of her body. Of course, you wanted to play it off cool, but your hand shook when she crooked her finger, beckoning you to place your praise against the warmth of her skin.

"Lean down slowly." Natasha guided you down to the soft skin of Wanda's stomach, and you almost sobbed in relief, knowing she was there with you.

"I want you to kiss her here." She instructed, hovering above you while dragging her fingers slowly across Wanda's milky skin.

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