Chapter 9

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Not a single moment spent with Wanda left you feeling anything less than special and you soaked up every second. A squeeze on your arm whenever she was pleased or a gentle caress as she passed you in the kitchen sent a flutter through your stomach and set your heart racing. Her attention felt as essential as air, and as you stole glances at her, you couldn't help but wish, no, you yearned to know how it would feel to kiss her. The new, and if not slightly wrong, feelings swirling around Natasha and Wanda often made you feel guilty. However, the more you indulged yourself in their presence, the more reckless you became. You recognized that you were walking down a fine line that might lead to trouble. Yet, you couldn't stop yourself; it just felt too good to experience everything you did when being around them.

The creak of the front door caught your attention just as Wanda placed the steak in the oven. Your heart skipped a beat, hoping it was Natasha, and when she entered the kitchen in high-waisted dress pants, a tucked-in dark green satin shirt, and a stylish black jacket, you couldn't help but stare at her. She was a true vision as she sauntered into the room, you had always admired how she could command attention simply by being present. You couldn't help but stutter out a feeble attempt at a greeting as her eyes locked onto you.

"Hey there, little duckling," She greeted with a grin as she pulled you to her side, your heart fluttered as she leaned down kissing the crown of your head. A silly thought flittered through your mind of how you would dare leaning back meeting her lips in a kiss. You couldn't help but stiffen at the thought as you stole a quick glance at Wanda, scared she could read your mind. However, her soft expression as she observed the two of you made you relax against Natasha's arm.

Natasha soon released you and moved over to greet Wanda, you watched her as she swooped in and gathered Wanda in her arms leaning in and planting a soft kiss. You felt bad for watching them with both admiration and envy, captivated by their soft lips and how they looked at each other. It all looked so natural as Wanda cupped Natasha's jaw and guided her back for another kiss, and you greedily soaked up the view of Wanda's long fingers as they glided over Natasha's skin.

"Mmm, what a greeting. Can't say I complain," Wanda chuckled softly before giving Natasha another peck. "How was work, my love?" she asked, leaving Natasha's embrace to lean down and check on the steak.

Natasha's hand found its place on Wanda's lower back. "Busy," she sighed, shooting you a quick smile before turning back to Wanda, who was now leaning against the counter. "Jane just turned in her 2 weeks' notice.. Apparently, she decided to follow her boyfriend to Seattle." She frowned before grabbing a glass and reaching for the wine bottle on the counter.

"That will cause some issues," Wanda sighed, and Natasha grunted while sipping her wine. "Aren't you having that big exhibit at the beginning of next year?" Wanda questioned as she passed you on her way to the fridge. Your heart soared as she caressed your cheeks with her knuckles gently before opening it to take out a soda.

"Yes, she is really putting me in an awful position. But I can't blame her for wanting to go there. They have been together for two years now, and I know she wants to settle down and have a family," Natasha shrugged, but the frown still marred her face.

"What will you do about the exhibit?" Wanda asked as she sat down by the kitchen island, sipping on her drink and motioning for you to sit down next to her.

You took a seat, and Wanda placed a glass in front of you, filling it carefully before sliding it closer, all while keeping her eyes on Natasha.

"I might contact Agatha, see if she has some art students to spare. There are always eager students looking for some extra cash, and it's a good place for them to network," Natasha explained, leaning heavily on the counter, looking exhausted.

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