Chapter 21

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Losing one of your senses is a daunting feeling, making you feel exposed and vulnerable in a way you weren't prepared for. But it is easier to control your breathing when they are so gentle as they guide you into the scene with soft words and caring hands, ensuring your comfort every step of the way. After asking you to repeat your safe words, you await their next instructions with anticipation.

"We're going to engage in sensory play. Do you understand what that means?" Natasha asked gently.

"I think I get the idea," you began nervously, "but I don't want to be wrong, so please explain it to me."

"Of course, sweet girl," Wanda cooed and you relaxed as her soothing voice washed over you, "we would begin by removing your dress, would that be okay?" She asked while her hand caressed over your hair gently.

Your first instinct was to nod eagerly, but then you remembered you weren't wearing a bra, and you cursed silently. Your only bra that went with this outfit had broken the last time you used this dress. Had it not been for the blindfold, you would not have hesitated, but your nerves were getting the best of you.

However, in the end, your desire to please them won over your own nerves, so you nodded with a bashful smile. You preened under Wanda's gentle praise, and you longed for her lips, which were sending warm puffs over yours. But Wanda would not give in to your feeble attempt for a kiss, and you settled down as she got back on track.

"From now on, we will only accept verbal responses from you," Wanda corrected, tapping your nose, "so I will let you try to give us a proper response this time."

"Yes... Yes, it's okay."

You waited with anticipation when there were neither movements nor verbal responses to your words. Swallowing nervously, you tilted your head in Wanda's direction; feeling her warmth, you knew she was still close.

"You're doing very well," Wanda shushed you quietly when you made a distressed sound.

Natasha hummed with pleasure from your other side before clearing her voice, "in the scene we will only use the objects you have chosen; one of them has already been applied to blindfold you. How does it feel, my little love?" her question made your chest swell with warmth.

"It was scary at first, but it feels better when I can feel or hear you," you replied with a shaky smile.

"That's understandable, my little duckling. We are well aware that this is all very new for you, and I'm very proud of you for being honest with us," Natasha acknowledged warmly, her words wrapping around you like a comforting embrace.

You didn't need to see her to know she was smiling, and that warm, bubbly feeling spread.

"We'll proceed slowly, exploring your preferences," Natasha continued, her calm and deep voice grounding you. "Remember, you have your safe words, but we'll strive to ensure your comfort. This scene isn't about pushing boundaries, but about building trust and explore your likes and dislikes."

Her words washed over you, calming your beating heart, and you could not detect any deception with her words.

"It does make me feel calmer," you chuckled nervously.

"That's good to hear, sweetheart," Wanda chimed in, her voice carrying warmth and reassurance.

When Natasha spoke again her tone took on a more authoritative air, sending a shiver down your spine. "When we engage in a scene, or express our desires to play, you will address me with a title of my choosing. The same goes for Wanda. So, before we proceed, let's hear how you'd like to be addressed."

You blinked behind the blindfold, caught off guard. "Um... I'm not sure. I'm comfortable with the names you usually call me."

Natasha's hum sounded pleased, and your heart skipped a beat when Wanda caressed your cheek with a light laugh before speaking up.

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