Chapter 27

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You sat on your bed staring blankly at your phone feeling the pressure of the situation you had just created. You knew the first thing you needed to do was to warn Kate and figure out a way to fix this mess before it spiraled even further out of control.

Taking a deep breath, you hastily typed out a message to Kate, your fingers trembling as you hit send.

You: Kate! Urgent! Call me ASAP! Emergency!

Your phone buzzed almost immediately with Kate's response.

Kate: What did you do now? 😅

You: Not funny. Please call me. It's about Yelena.

Within seconds, your phone rang, and you answered it with trembling fingers.

"Okay, what's the emergency?" Kate's voice came through the speaker, light and teasing as usual.

You took a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady. "Yelena thinks we're dating."

There was a moment of stunned silence on the other end before Kate burst out laughing. "Wait, what? Why would she think we are dating?"

"She saw your text and jumped to conclusions," you explained, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. "And I didn't exactly correct her. I was in shock, okay? Now she wants to meet up with us tomorrow and get all the details."

Kate's laughter subsided, replaced by concern. "So let me get this straight. Yelena thinks we're a couple now?" Before you could answer she started to laugh again. "That's hilarious!"

"It's not hilarious, Kate!" you snapped, the panic in your voice making her laughter subside again. "If Natasha or Wanda finds out, they'll kill me. Or worse, they'll kill you."

Kate's tone turned serious. "Okay, okay. Yeah when you put it like that, then yeah this is bad. Let's think this through. We need a plan."

"Oh god..." You groaned in despair. "I- I... I can't drag you into this more than I already have, I will fix this I promise."

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I will help. But as I said we need a plan."

"Are you sure?"


Kate's answer left no room for argument, and you nodded out into the empty room.

"Yeah okay, a plan, we can do that," you said tiredly. "I'm so sorry for this, Kate."

"Hey, don't sweat it, shit happens, but you owe me one," Kate teased, and you could hear her smile through the phone, before continuing with a more thoughtful tone. "Alright, so first we need to explain the text, and the reason behind it."

"Sure, but that will only lead to her asking who I'm seeing," you added quickly.

"What? Why would she ask that?"

"Because I told her I met someone," you confessed quietly.

"Okay well congrats to sort of coming out." She chuckled.

You snorted into the phone.

"Very well, if she asks you that then you simply tell her that you're not ready to share that with her yet." Kate continued.

"It's Yelena we are speaking about. You really think she will let that go?" you asked, skepticism clear in your voice.

"Hey, it's either that or come clean about your relationship with Natasha and Wanda," Kate retorted. "Look, I support whatever you decide to do. But I distinctively remember that they wanted to be there when you all share the information with Yelena."

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