Chapter 17

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Chapter warning: Smut / NSFW

Wanda's tongue traced your bottom lip again before slipping inside your mouth, and the next sound spilling from your lips was more a whimper than anything else as your body begged for more.

You could feel your nipples hardened against your bra and a familiar heat blossomed low in your belly, leaving you breathless and dizzy. If Wanda hadn't been holding onto you, you're certain you would have floated away.

But maybe floating away wouldn't be the worst thing, you thought to yourself, shuffling closer to Wanda. In a moment, you might be close enough to relieve some pressure, and you ached for it.

"Wanda." Natasha called gently.

Wanda hummed against your lips and the vibration felt wonderful against your tingling lips. Your grip tighten when Wanda turned the kiss into the softest of pecks before pulling back entirely.

You couldn't hold back a disappointed little whine. You were tingling all over, breathless, yet you still wanted to kiss Wanda again. And again, and again, possibly for ever.

"I need to breathe little one," Wanda panted, sounding somewhere between impressed and amused. "Don't you?"

Frankly, you weren't even able to get any words out feeling too overwhelmed and your body ached. You settled for nodding your head slightly trying to calm your erratic heart that slammed against your ribs.

She hummed as she peeled your hands away from her face. She gave each palm a kiss and then released your hands.

"Let's get you off that counter and inside." Natasha said as she approached.

Wanda helped you carefully off the counter, and it wasn't until you were standing on solid ground that you could feel how unsteady your legs felt.

Natasha patted your butt lightly before embracing you from behind, pulling at a strand of your hair playfully. Her action caused your cheeks to flush, and it didn't help when she chuckled hoarsely, scratching your scalp carefully as you leaned against her.

Her fingers made you shiver and inhale a bit too sharply as your skin pulled tight, and goosebumps started to grow up your arms. It felt really nice. Natasha had such soft and gentle fingers.

You swallowed thickly as something pulled tight in your belly again. You really needed to think about something else.

"Are you getting tired?" Natasha asked, her thumb sweeping beneath your eye.

"No!" You replied quickly, with sleep being the last thing on your mind and both Natasha and Wanda chuckled at your response.

"How about we head back to the house then," Natasha suggested warmly while Wanda leaned in placing a kiss on your temple.

As you stepped outside into the cold night, Natasha quickly ushered you indoors, rubbing your arms before taking your hands trying to return some heat by breathing on them which made you giggle. Her laughter joined in as she pulled you in to her arms and swayed with you in the kitchen.

Natasha leaned in and kissed you and you gasped softly against her lips as Wanda embraced you from behind. You were trapped between them as Natasha licked inside your mouth, turning your brain in to mush.

Your body trembled as your panties flooded with wetness and your breath hitched against Natasha's lips. It dawned on you that you knew what you were yearning for, what your body craved for. You longed for Natasha to caress more of your bare skin, and you fantasized about being the Wanda's soft lips against your body. After the experiences with James, the thought of anything close to sex had been furthest from your mind. Now, however, it consumed your every thought. Wanting something so intensely yet being uncertain and fearful was a conflicting sensation. Yet, any hesitations melted away when Natasha looked at you with a reassuring smile. With Wanda or Natasha touching you, there was no fear, you felt safe and yearning to feel more of them.

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