Chapter 8

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"Wake up, sweetheart, rise and shine," Wanda called out briskly as she entered the guest bedroom.

"I shall rise, but I refuse to shine," you grumbled, pulling the covers up over your head.

Wanda tutted, patting your leg through the covers. "None of that. We have a busy schedule today."

Suddenly, it hit you that you had promised her a full day of doing anything she asked, so you quickly got up, earning a chuckle from Wanda. It took you a few minutes to get ready, and she called to you through the bathroom door, letting you know she would be in the kitchen. You brushed your teeth and got ready quickly before setting out to find Wanda.

"There you are, sunshine," She cooed softly as you entered the kitchen. You shyly smiled at her.

"So, do you want me to fix breakf—" You stopped mid-sentence as you saw a stack of pancakes, bowls of fruit, and coffee on the counter.

"Don't worry about that. My plans for you today don't involve making food for me," Wanda said, gesturing for you to take a seat, and you followed her lead.

She filled your plate with food, and her doting warmed your heart. You couldn't help but notice how adorable she looked, humming to herself while preparing the meal. You felt a strange urge to snuggle up in her arms; she looked so soft in her green shirt and jeans. It stirred memories of watching your mother in the kitchen, yearning for her attention. However, she never acknowledged your desire for connection. Even attempts at hugs were met with rejection, as she was constantly engrossed in her busy schedule. The pain lingered, and the longing for her affection never waned. Observing Wanda, you couldn't help but wonder if this is why you find yourself gravitating towards Natasha and Wanda. From the start, they've made you feel uniquely valued, a sentiment you never experienced from your mother or anyone else in your life.

"Eat up, sweetheart," she said softly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear so she could gaze at you fully. You couldn't help but admire her.

She pointed at your plate with her fork, indicating that you should start eating. You smiled down at your plate and began to dig in, all the while listening to her talk about her plans for the day. Since she had your help, she would focus on a sculpture she had put on hold due to its complicated nature. A comforting warmth enveloped you when she focused entirely on you. Although you knew you should address these emotions at some point, for now, it seemed easier to consider them a problem for tomorrow.

After finishing your meal, she guided you out of the kitchen and into her studio, and you eagerly followed. Each time her hand squeezed yours, your heart soared; sometimes, it even ached with the fear of losing that connection. Leading you towards the back of the studio, she asked for your help in unfolding a pile of clay. Upon closer inspection, it revealed the beginnings of hands and rough shapes of bodies.

"Okay, I need you to fill those basins with water and bring me the tools from the box marked 28." She instructed.

You nodded and quickly got to work, filling the basins and bringing over all the necessary tools. Sweat trickled down your back as you dragged the basin across the floor, making an awful noise. You winced and looked over at Wanda, who was fully immersed in her work.

"Don't worry about it.. The floor has seen worse, trust me," she chuckled without lifting her gaze.

Her words reassured you, yet you couldn't shake the longing for her eyes to meet yours.

A sigh escaped your lips as you chided yourself for entertaining such thoughts, feeling a bit foolish. Despite this, you continued to drag the basin across the floor. Panting, you finally brought it over to her, a contented smile gracing your face.

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