Chapter 14

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A tickling sensation beckoned you back to consciousness. You had always loved the moment between sleep and wakefulness, where your brain wasn't fully aware and everything remained calm—no thoughts, no feelings. Stretching out, you felt your muscles tense and release, unable to suppress a pleasurable groan. It was heavenly.

Together with the awareness, memories flooded in like a slide show—wet lips, the softness of skin beneath your fingertips, the lingering taste of being consumed in a way you never imagined possible.

A slender arm curled around your body, sliding atop your shirt, settling between your breasts. Carefully opening your eyes, your breath stuttered as you watched Natasha's slender fingers spread across your sternum. Sensing her closeness as she molded herself against your back, excitement fluttered in your stomach, her body heat feeling like pure bliss through your shirt.

"Go back to sleep," Natasha sighed, her voice heavy with sleep, yet content, while her shapely legs sliding against yours.

"I can't," you whispered, tracing her elegant fingers that occasionally twitched, bringing a smile to your face.

Thoughts of the terrace flooded your mind each time you closed your eyes. The vivid memory of Natasha's lips against yours, awakening sensations you hadn't thought possible, played on repeat.

"It's too early, now go back to sleep" Natasha rasped, nuzzling her face into your hair as she spooned you.

Startled from your reverie, you covered her hand, bringing it to your lips and kissing the tips of her fingers.

"Mmm that's nice," Natasha hummed deeply.

Ignoring her, you turned around and were met with Natasha's disheveled hair. She buried her face further into the pillow, emitting a displeased sound, and you couldn't help but giggle softly. Despite your fears of potential awkwardness after the previous night's events, seeing Natasha so relaxed and sleepy filled your chest with emotions.

"Wanda, your duckling is awake," Natasha yawned, pulling you in closer, and you didn't resist melting against her soft body.

A deep hum was heard from behind Natasha as the bed dipped, signifying Wanda moving around.

When you looked up, you met Wanda's tired eyes as she leaned over Natasha to look at you.

You offered a bashful smile, wiggling against Natasha, who hushed you by covering your mouth. Her fingers felt unexpectedly soft against your lips, causing you to press against her hand involuntarily.

"So she's mine when she's up early, huh?" Wanda husked as she nudged Natasha, who grumbled against your hair. "You'll regret saying that," Wanda continued, clearly amused.

Natasha responded with a grunt, and soon her breathing became heavy. You couldn't help but take in the messiness of Natasha when she was asleep. It was endearing to witness a side of a woman you admired for her sophistication, maturity, beauty, and power. Asleep, she seemed almost younger, her mouth slightly open with drool pooling on the side of her lip, emitting small snores occasionally. She was messy in all the right ways, and you were pleasantly surprised to find more ways to fall in love with this wonderful woman.

Your gaze shifted to Wanda, who had sat up by this point, pushing her hair back as she slid off the bed gracefully. She grabbed a long silk robe, and despite attempting to steal a glance at her barely covered legs in a night blue silk slip, it became evident that she caught you staring when your eyes met hers. Quickly, you hid your face against Natasha, who released a puff of air before settling in and pulling you closer.

You could hear Wanda's soft footsteps as she walked over to the bathroom. Trying to stay still not to disturb Natasha, she was so close, and all you could think about was kissing her again. You wanted it desperately, needed it. Your eyes traced her lips, and even with the drooling, you couldn't help but crave those lips on yours again, just to confirm that last night hadn't been a dream. You wished for her to wake up and confirm that everything she had said last night was true, and then kiss you again.

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