Chapter 19

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Chapter warning: Smut / NSFW

The only sound that could be heard in the lab was the soft clink of the glass beakers. You were currently trying to focus on examining a spore beneath the microscope while Peter leaned over the beakers, watching the process. Peter had tried to engage you in conversation on several occasions, but your mind was straying to the morning that seemed to be years ago. In truth, it had only been a little more than a week since your body was awakened, and you craved more. You could feel him moving in closer, and you only hummed in response to what he was saying. However, you weren't fully paying attention as your mind strayed again.

This was not how you had imagined things would turn out, but you had known that getting involved with Natasha and Wanda wouldn't be easy. It was nothing short of torture. Your moments together were reduced to stolen kisses and brief, precious catch-ups. But that wasn't the worst part. The new desire burning inside you was almost unbearable, a fire that consumed you more intensely with each passing day. It took all your willpower not to abandon everything for just another second, minute, hour, eternity, intertwined with their limbs, feeling their lips against yours, their hands exploring your body. You yearned to shout from the tallest building, declaring your love for them to the world. You wanted to grab Peter, grinning wildly, and tell him you finally understood what it felt like to fall in love.

The need to share the overwhelming emotions bubbling inside you was almost as intense as your need for them. But instead, you had to keep it all hidden away. Why? You knew why, and it made everything even more painful.

A sigh escaped your lips before you could stop it, betraying the turmoil within. You felt Peter's eyes on you, filled with curiosity and concern. You mumbled a vague excuse, inching closer to the microscope, your eye now pressed against the lens, praying he would take the hint and leave you alone with your thoughts.

With the newfound silence your mind strayed back to the feel of smooth naked legs intertwining with yours—the soft murmurs of their voices and the smell of Natasha's skin. That euphoric feeling of a pleasant ache in between your legs and the flutter in your stomach that accompanied every caress of warm, soft fingers against your exposed skin.

"Good morning, my little love," Natasha cooed against the crown of your head, gently pushing her fingers through your tresses, guiding your head back to kiss your forehead.

You hummed groggily as her lips trailed down your forehead, peppering kisses against the apple of your cheek.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked while caressing your cheek.

You groaned against the bright light as you cracked your eyes open, but to your delight, you were greeted by a soft-looking Natasha. The sight of her stirred a wonderful warmth in your chest, and you came to the conclusion that this was your favorite look on her—no makeup, hair messy from a good night's sleep, and a carefree, soft smile playing on her lips. You wanted nothing more than to burrow into her warmth again and feel her naked skin against yours. Preferably so close there wouldn't even be air between you.

Natasha's fingers tapped against your cheek, reminding you to answer her question. "Mmm, very." You hummed with a pleased smile and leaned in against the hand that gently cupped your cheek.

No longer able to resist your impulses, you snuggled in against Natasha, finally burrowing between her arms and sinking deeper between her breasts. The skin-on-skin contact was lovely—she was so soft and warm.

You lay contentedly for a while, not quite asleep yet not fully awake, in a comfortable in-between. Time melted into a blur, and you couldn't quite say how much of it had passed as you lay there together. Whether it was an hour or a handful of minutes was questionable, but ultimately unimportant. Eventually, Natasha spoke up, interrupting the calm silence.

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