Chapter 22

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Authors notes:

Just a heads up before you dive into this chapter:

I had to split it into two because it got super long and intense. Wanda's backstory will have to wait until the next chapter, sorry about that! These chapters have been tough to write because they're getting pretty heavy. But we're entering a new phase of the story where things really start to unravel.

So, here are the warnings:
- Mentions of mental abuse
- Mentions of alcohol consumption
- Angst



It was as if something shifted after that day with Natasha and Wanda, like something inside of you was set free. It made it even harder to leave their bed as the sun rose, signaling the start of a new day. If you thought yourself obsessed with them before it was nothing compared to what you were now. But this newfound realization about yourself and their constant reassurance and care did wonders to your self-esteem. The days that passed seemed brighter and your energy spiked each time they would give you a call or send you a message. You sailed through your classes and your performance in the labs showed significant change with this newfound energy. You were so focused on every moment you got with them that your whole world seemed to spin around them.

Everything seemed so perfect, and the guilt seemed lesser and lesser each day as you declined offers to hang out with Peter or Kate. The lies came out easier and you spun a delicate web so you could focus your time on what your heart desired.

So, it came as a shock when Yelena showed up unannounced at your door, like a bolt from the blue. Nothing about the knock indicated it was her and as you opened you froze clutching the door tightly, not completely sure how to react. A mix of emotions coursed through you as you struggled to find any words to say.

"Can I come in or should I just camp out here until the neighbors start complaining?" she smirked, but there was a forced quality to her smile, like she was trying too hard to mask whatever was really going on.

Startled from your frozen state, you stepped aside quickly. "Yeah, sure, come on in."

As she entered, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. That familiar swagger and confidence was nowhere to be found, and she almost looked washed out and lost where she stood in the center of the room, her bag clutched tightly in her hand like a lifeline.

"What's up, Lena?" You studied her wearily, trying to ignore the knot of worry in your stomach.

Not really knowing what to do you approached her slowly fidgeting with your fingers nervously, wondering what was going on.

She shrugged, her lips tugging up into a brittle smile. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd drop by, see if you wanted to hang out," she said, but her eyes betrayed her smile, flickering with a vulnerability that sent an alarm through your system. Had she discovered what you had done?

Your eyes flicked to her bag, a silent question hanging in the air. Yelena followed your gaze, and it shocked you to see her cheeks flush in embarrassment as she dropped her bag beside your bed with a thud.

"Eh.. Yeah, so it turns out moving in with Dave was a mistake," she admitted eventually, her voice tinged with regret as she collapsed onto the bed.

Her confession caught you off guard, a flicker of relief went through your mind before it screeched at a halt when her words finally filtered through. Shame curled in your stomach at your previous worries.

You quickly went over to the bed and sat down beside her looking at her with a mixture of worry and surprise.

"But I don't understand... I know you've been slowly moving in over Christmas... What happened?" you asked, hoping to get a clear picture of what is going on.

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