Chapter 13

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You couldn't help but bask in the intimacy of the moment, each caress of her fingers against your bare back sending flutters of excitement through your stomach. Your lips tingled delightfully, and your breaths came out in stutters as heat pooled in your lower abdomen. You wanted nothing more than to be closer to her, to feel her lips against yours once more.

"Sweet girl, you need to answer me," Wanda murmured, tilting your chin up. Her heavy gaze communicated volumes about the emotions stirred by your proximity.

But it was hard to focus. All you wanted was to throw yourself into her arms, to drown in everything that she was. You longed to feel her warm body against yours again, to feel her soft fingers holding your face securely as her mouth devoured you.

Your eyes fluttered closed as Wanda grasped your chin, but it didn't help clear your mind enough to answer her. You didn't want to think or talk; all your mind could focus on was how close her lips were to yours. When nothing happened, you opened your eyes to find her gaze locked onto yours. The intensity of her stare sent a current traveling through your body, and you clenched your legs as a hushed gasp slipped past your lips.


The sound of Natasha's voice felt like a douse of cold water, breaking whatever spell you were under. You stumbled back, trying to calm your erratic heart. Natasha remained leaning against the wall of the elevator, her voice carrying a warning. Although she didn't look upset, her expression was unreadable. As Wanda moved closer, Natasha pushed herself away from the wall, and you glanced at her with uncertainty, questioning whether you had somehow ruined everything.

Unable to halt the tears welling in your eyes, you focused on the floor, willing them not to spill.


Wanda's words were interrupted by the elevator bell announcing their arrival at Peppers floor. Wanda's hand gripped your arm as the doors opened, revealing a bustling scene—voices, laughter, and music filled the once quiet space. Natasha edged closer, but before either woman could speak, Pepper walked up, with a radiant smile.

Though always stunning, tonight Pepper seemed almost formidable in her appearance, arms open in greeting as she approached, welcoming you to her home.

"Finally!" Pepper's voice served as a soothing balm amidst the tension in the elevator, her eyes twinkling as she glanced around, seemingly oblivious to the tense atmosphere. "Oh, my goodness, you all look stunning!"

You found a momentary relief in Pepper's warm greeting. She embraced each of you, exchanging lavish air kisses with Wanda and Natasha.

"Thank you for inviting us." Wanda greeted with a radiant smile, maintaining her composure with seamless grace despite the recent intimate moment.

Natasha responded to Pepper's enthusiastic welcome with a smirk, her eyes reflecting amusement. "Always a pleasure, Pepper."

You silently exhaled, unexpectedly grateful for Natasha's composed greeting. Her demeanor seemed strangely normal, almost as though the earlier incident was of no consequence.

As Pepper led the way inside, she directed her attention toward you. "Darling, you look absolutely breathtaking! Such a lovely dress," she murmured, pulling you closer, feeling Wanda's attempt to maintain contact slipping away.

"Thank you, Pepper," you replied, slightly taken aback by the praise but you appreciated the distraction.

You took the opportunity to take Pepper in fully and you had to admit she looked stunning in her sleek suit and combined with her strikingly dark makeup added a hint of danger to her elegance.

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