Chapter 16

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If you thought you couldn't be more amazed, it all paled in comparison to the moment Natasha noticed your arrival. When her eyes found yours, her lips stretched into a beautiful smile that kick-started your heart into hyperdrive. Always the smooth one, she languidly stretched before getting up, moving towards you and Wanda, who was currently standing close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating from her.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Natasha said smoothly, her voice carrying that inviting rasp that awakened butterflies in your stomach.

You could feel them flapping their wings as her warm hand cupped your cheek, guiding you gently to meet her soft lips. There was no hesitation on your part as you fell into her embrace. You tried to keep up with her pace, but a tremor caused your lips to shake against hers. Almost as if she could read your mind or feel the desperation from the way you clung to her, she deepened the kiss, and you invited her in, craving the sensations she awakened. You ached, trembled, wanted, needed. Natasha, Natasha, Natasha.

"Always so greedy," Wanda chastised playfully, her warm breath caressing the back of your neck.

Natasha's tongue made one last sweep against yours before retreating as she left small kisses against your lips. She released a pleased hum as she parted, and you couldn't help but chase her lips. It was impossible not to want more, even if you panted for air, feeling close to suffocation.

"Don't be jealous, my love. It doesn't suit you," Natasha rasped, catching you before you tipped over in your desperate need to feel her lips again.

"Oh, please," Wanda said haughtily, and you didn't have to see her face to know she was rolling her eyes.

You weren't prepared when Wanda spun you around, kissing you soundly. Her long fingers caressed your cheeks as she held onto you. As you lost your footing, your hands flew out in an attempt to steady yourself, inadvertently landing on Wanda's warm and soft, very inviting breast. She moaned against your mouth, which startled you enough to pull away from the warmth of her luscious lips.

"Oh gosh, I'm really sorry," you stammered, flustered, and took a step back from Wanda, feeling your cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Your gaze involuntarily dropped to her chest before meeting Wanda's eyes, internally cringing at the sly smirk on her already beautifully swollen lips.

"They're just breasts, dear. Are you frightened by them?" she purred, taking a step closer, nudging you backward toward Natasha, who chuckled as she held onto your shoulders, her fingers tracing along your collarbone.

"N...N...No, not at all. Why would I be?" you stuttered, feeling a slight pout forming on your lips.

As you tried to muster the courage to respond to Wanda, she drew closer, her smirk softening into a gentle smile.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, sweetheart," Wanda said softly, and you relaxed slightly beneath Natasha's touch. "But if you ever wish to touch them again, just know I wouldn't mind at all," Wanda continued, gently playing with the tips of a strand of your hair before brushing it aside.

"Oh," you murmured, meeting her gaze, finding nothing but warmth and kindness in her eyes.

"Do you want to?" Wanda asked in a whisper, taking your hand gently, and your eyes flickered between your hand and hers.

Before you could decide, Wanda pulled you in, guiding your face with her other hand, and she planted a wet kiss on your lips.

"You," Wanda whispered firmly against your lips before swiftly kissing you again before parting breathing softly against your mouth, "don't realize," she continued, nibbling on your lower lip, "how utterly adorable you are," she softly sucked on your lip before releasing it with a soft groan, "just the thought of your hands on me makes me want to do ungodly things to you."

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