Chapter Fifteen

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   "If you do well in life the credit goes to those that trained you"
                              ~Bluey writer♣~

    @Ameenah_writes this is for you. You guys can check out her book. Silent heroism. Its amazing.

        Ayzar sent every one home on a leave. As usual he looked dashing in his black armani suit with black mask that he used in covering his face. He usually wakes up early but today he woke up a bit earlier than usual.

      "Good morning" I squatted to greet. He glanced at me then continued his business on his laptop.

   I don't know why she loves greeting me every morning. She smelt of a cool vanilla perfume and her white niqab covering her face revealing her brown eyes. She always manage to appear beautiful and it has this effect on me.

       "Morning" was his cold reply. I am used to it so no offence. I know he sent the maids home so who would prepare breakfast for him ?

     "Sir Ayzar should I prepare breakfast" I nervously asked. After playing the statement in my head for about three seconds.

     Breakfast, it sounds quite good. She makes good coffee she might as well cook delicious food. But I don't trust her, I literally don't.

   "Yes" he answered.

"About the guests are they still coming?" I pray it's a no.

   "Yes by twelve they would be here" he said.  I quietly left for the kitchen thinking of what to prepare. I just decided to make a banana pancake topped with nutella. After making the pancakes I made his coffee. I promise you he is a coffee drinker. He can take twenty plus cups in a day. No wonder why he is so bitter. I laughed at the thought.

    "Breakfast is ready" I calmly said as I set the table. He quietly sat on the table and I stood there like his body guard. He has this bad eating habit you know pressing phone and I hate it. He finally dropped the phone and kept it beside him. He placed the serviette on his laps then removed his mask.

   "Taste it" he instructed. I know the kind of skepticism he has for me. So I took off my niqab and sliced a piece with the knife.

        "See I didn't die"  I said to Mr husband the egocentric human I have ever seen. He gave me a dead glare that shut me up. He skillfully sliced the pancake and I tell you it took forever for that fork to get in his mouth. He is usually this careful and slow when eating. From the way he eats you can simply guess that he is a royal because every behavior of his is calculated. Walking,eating,talking, everything of his has this royal demeanour.

      " The clients would be here anytime soon so get to work " he said before dashing out.

   Najma tuwo,why didn't you learn how to make tuwo? I rhetorically asked myself. No one is around to help me out. I called mama and my siblings and we chatted a bit before I hung up. I got to work. Tuwon shinkafa and egusi soup with a cucumber cooler drink to blend in. Yes that's what I am going to make and so help me Allah.



     "It's really nice meeting you again Mr Ayzar. You have grown cheeks too"  The white man who have no intention on keeping quite kept talking. Luckily I finished everything on time before they came and I even changed my dress to an embedded super atamfa sewn to a perfect straight gown with the stones nicely scattered on each pattern. I rounded up with a Sudanese turban and beige khimar.  Ayzar has just brought the guest to the living room and I can hear different voices of different accent. I made sure everything is set to place in the dining before I returned to my room.

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