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     Hello lovelies, how are we all doing? If fine then Alhamdulilah. We are at chapter thirty y'all. I know it wasn't easy keeping up with me, the slow updates, the grammatical errors and all. Thank you for sticking with me this far and I really appreciate. The book is nearing to an end because we have two to three pretty messages to round up. So brace yourselves as we get to finish this bizarre love story.

      Here are some Questions everyone.

1. If you are to appear as a character in this book. Who would you be?

2. If you were allowed to beat up a character who would you beat?

3. If you were to marry a character in the book. Who would you marry?

4. If you are to choose one character you would meet with in reality. Who would you choose?

5. If they were to share contacts of some characters. Whose contact do you want.

6. Whose fan are you in TSMC

    I need your answers pretty ladies and gentlemen.

So guys rate the story on a scale of 1-10

Is it boring?




Super interesting?

   Let's hear from you all.

   So the pretty books you need to check out.

1. Tainted Cinderella by chloro Queen.

2. 24hours by feerdausee/jannah mia

3. My husband twin by Aishatuh m

4. Mine by chickadee

5. Our destiny by gurlywrites 22

         So someone asked me who is my favourite northern writer. My favourites are many but for this year 2024 I haven't figured out that writer. But for 2023 the best writer for me is  feerdausee/jannah mia. She wrote amazing books that I have reread more than I can count. The royalty, romance,heartbreak, comedy, drama. Basically any genre you are reading I am sure you would find the book that would suit your taste. She is an amazing writer y'all. Just slide to her profile and add those books to your library. You would thank me later.

     So probably I would be adding my favourite writers in the pretty message. Thank you everyone. Please don't forget to share this book to friends and family. Vote also, comment and also follow my account.

       Stay pretty.



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