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Hello Guys!!

So, here is the next chapter, do vote pressing on the twinkle twinkle little star 🌟 and comment, down your thoughts, the only motivation to write more, as winter these days, have mercilessly killed my motivation to do anything.

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Last few days, I have received many followers, quite confused about dedicating the chapter, so I want to dedicate this chapter to all those who take out time from their busy schedule, and vote, comment and follow me just, Thank you. It feels so amazing and overwhelming to be surrounded with people who appreciate and value my efforts, Love you.

Happy Reading!!


I awoke early, as it has become my habit, finding myself unable to sleep much, despite the comfort of my in-laws' home, where I knew no one would question my late mornings.

Glancing at my husband, peacefully asleep at the edge of the bed, generously leaving me more than half of the space and wrapped in a different comforter, I couldn't help but marvel at his considerate nature. Thoughts crossed my mind, wondering if such gentlemen truly exist, and if I was fortunate enough to have him as my husband.

Brushing these contemplations aside, I decided that some things are best left to the passage of time.

Quietly slipping out of bed, I made my way to the closet, ensuring to lock it from the inside. I was keen to avoid any awkward situations, reminiscent of a Bollywood film, where one might stumble upon unexpected encounters. I wanted to steer clear of scenarios portrayed in movies, like him catching a glimpse of me in a compromising state.

Completing my morning rituals, I returned to the bedroom to find him still peacefully sleeping, this time on his stomach. It triggered memories of the morning after our wedding when, in a similar position, my feet brushed against his.

Resisting the urge to wake him, I hesitated, uncertain of how he would react. Opting to let him continue his rest, I quietly left the bedroom to engage in my morning Puja, a routine I had neglected for a few days.

Over the years, during moments of solitude, I found solace in my connection with God. Recalling a harrowing night in Delhi, where it felt like I might not survive, a group of women appeared out of nowhere, along with the hotel staff who assisted me. Gratefulness overwhelmed me, and I couldn't express my thanks adequately. Moreover, Vaibhav's presence during a severe anxiety attack that landed me in the hospital strengthened my belief in a higher power.

Several incidents similar to these occurred in the past, even with my own family - they were my family, right? I mean, if I referred to him as Papa and her as my Mumma, then they were my family. We don't just call anyone Mom or Dad.

Nevertheless, in many situations, I encountered unfamiliar individuals who extended their help, and I didn't even have the opportunity to express my gratitude.


In the morning, I woke up and realized that Nidhi was not beside me, that koala bear from last night. Lazily sitting on the bed, I squinted my eyes, trying to see properly, thinking she might be on the couch, but she wasn't.

I retrieved the phone from the bedside table, to check the meetings, I had scheduled today.

After that, I rose from the bed and strode towards the closet, taking careful and calculated steps, fearing she might be inside, I didn't want her to make uncomfortable at any cost.

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