|20| thoughts

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Guys do tell me if you find any mistakes, haven't proof read.

Follow your Author Meehira__writes only three left for 50. And guys those who follow, than unfollow, you seem confused, decide kar lo kya karna hai.

I dedicate this chapter to amham123❤️ thank you for so many comments, I read all of them, it feels so great to be surrounded by people who appreciate.

I apologize for the delayed update; I've been visiting the hospital daily since last week.



The closet was spacious, with two parallel walls adorned with shelves. In the far-right corner, there were parallel mirrors positioned in a way that when we got ready, we could see each other's reflections in them. On the opposite side, there was a large window.

His belongings were arranged meticulously; watches, ties, blazers, shirts, and shoes all neatly placed.

Well, I've never been one to be messy either.

"Not exactly, just a bit to the side," I spoke.

"Vhi baat hai," he responded.

"It seems you're missing your room badly," I remarked.

"No, not the room, someone in the room," he divulged.

Up until now, Vaibhav was comprehensible, but now this man has become an enigma to me. His words have left me pondering: if he truly misses me, then why didn't he utter a word while departing? He didn't even cast a glance in my direction, let alone look at me. Could it be because I stepped back when his mother approached? However, he can't expect me to stand close to him in front of his mother.

No, that can't be the reason, as just after that, we interlocked hands while heading towards the parking area.

Why have you suddenly become so puzzling, Vaibhav? What has transpired?

But, I won't let it show. If I do, I'll only set myself up for expectations. At least this way, I can rationalize with my mind, concoct excuses, and pacify myself.

If I were to communicate my distress to him and he persisted in repeating the same hurtful behavior, it would exacerbate my pain. Therefore, it is more beneficial for me to keep my feelings internalized, safeguarding my emotional well-being within my mind, and heart.

"What's this? Sunlight sneaking into the room once more," he remarked, abruptly. For a brief moment, it didn't register with me, as my thoughts were consumed by his abrupt shift in demeanor earlier in the morning. However, it suddenly struck me that he had been teasing me in this manner for the past three to four days.

I wanted to convey to him, "No, mister, I didn't blush this time." My mind hasn't forgotten the disregard. Even Aadarsh said, "Miss me, Bhabhi," and how considerately and beautifully Vaibhav bid farewell to Roshni, and he completely ignored me. And now, on the phone, he's saying that he misses me. Why does it feel so exasperating?

Why are men so vexing?

"No, not at all. It's dark; I mean, there's no sunlight," I replied, but again I got successful in embarassing myself.

This earned me a chuckle and giggle from him

"Did Uncle depart?" he inquired abruptly, adopting his serious tone. The awkwardness and discomfort were still tangible between us, and my inability to hold in conversation was nothing short of exhausting.

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