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The next two days passed in the same strained silence. We barely spoke, each absorbed in our own world, making no effort to bridge the gap. The irritation gnawed at me, amplifying my hurt.

It was six fifteen in the evening, Aadarsh and I were driving home. I sat in the passenger seat, my mind preoccupied with how to ask Nidhi to accompany me to Arun's home. It felt rude to go without her, especially since Arun had specifically requested her presence.

"Bhaiya," Aadarsh spoke abruptly, his eyes on the road.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Uh, did you apologize to Bhabhi?" he asked, irritation flaring within me at the thought that she might have confided in him about our issues.

"She seemed really upset that day," he added.

"Did she tell you?" I asked, my voice tinged with annoyance.

"No, I was there when you practically yelled at her," he replied. "She didn't say anything to me."

"No, I didn't," I admitted, reluctantly.

"Bhaiya, can I say something?" he asked cautiously.

"Go ahead, quickly," I said.

"You shouldn't talk to her like that, especially in front of others. It's disrespectful," he said.

"Aadarsh, you don't even know the whole story," I replied, defensive.

"I understand that, but regardless of the situation, one should never speak to his wife like that, especially not in front of others," he persisted.

"Aadarsh, just..." I began, then trailed off.

"Forget it, you won't understand," I said, lapsing into silence.

I found it utterly vexing, escalating my already heightened irritation. His words compelled me to dwell on her and our relationship, which I despised. I detested being in the wrong and couldn't bear the feeling of being mistaken. While I regretted speaking to her in that manner in front of everyone, I stood by the content of my words. My remorse would have been minimal had our conversation occurred in the privacy of our room.


Saturday evening, the entire family was returning home after dinner. Aadarsh was driving, and I sat in the passenger seat. In the back, Nidhi was seated in the middle, with Maa on her left and Roshni on her right.

The dinner had been a quiet affair. I had made the reservations yesterday, and throughout the meal, Nidhi and I barely exchanged a word. Our only interaction had been when she informed me yesterday morning that the water heater in the bathroom was on as I was entering the closet. It was hardly a meaningful conversation. I wasn't planning to use the water heater anyway; even she could have easily skipped washing her hair in this cold weather.

"Bhabhi, do you know the boys in the class are very happy?" Roshni's voice suddenly broke the silence. Nidhi's eyes were fixed on the window, her fingers occasionally tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Why?" Nidhi asked, her tone polite but detached.

Roshni grinned. "Earlier, Alka Ma'am used to take the class, and now it's you."

Aadarsh chuckled, and Roshni joined in with laughter.

"Roshni," Maa chided gently.

"Maa, you should be happy that attendance in the class has increased because of your Bahu," Roshni added, and this time even Maa chuckled. I clenched my fists, my eyes focused on Nidhi's impassive face.

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