|17| reception

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Heya, sorry for being a little late, do follow your Author, Meehira__writes to get all the important updates.

I want to dedicate this chapter to helivirani0521 your comment on the previous chapter didn't go unnoticed by me, Thank you so much for your appreciation. ❤️

I want to thank all those who comment, and vote, my precious readers. 💘

Do tell me about my choice of song on the chapter.

Happy Reading!!


The reception venue was exceptionally beautiful, featuring a spacious open ground adorned with a grand fountain at its center, illuminated with white lighting.

A spacious pandal was erected, featuring interwoven strips of pink, yellow, and white colors, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere. The melodious strains of romantic music filled the venue, enhancing the ambiance even further.

In one corner, there were counters set up, and a magnificent stage adorned with white, pink, and red roses caught my attention, especially with our names elegantly engraved together.

"A Night of Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever After: Nidhi & Vaibhav's Reception"

Dinner arrangements were made inside the venue building, but most of the guests were now mingling in the open area, dressed in exquisite attire, their faces unfamiliar to me, perhaps not among those I remembered from our wedding.

"Feeling uneasy?" I turned my head towards the source of the voice, My Husband. He regarded me with a gentle smile playing on his lips.

"A tad nervous," I confessed, drawing in a deep breath and looping my arm around his for support.

"Bhabhi, let's go! I want you to meet my friends," Roshni exclaimed, dashing towards me, adorned in an elegant long red dress embellished with intricate embroidery. A stylish blouse and overcoat complemented the ensemble, paired with a matching long red skirt. She looked undeniably cute and beautiful.

"Chalo," I replied, but before heading with her, I looked at Vaibhav, then at our intertwined hands, gesturing him to leave me. Gazing at me, his eyes filled with emotions and unspoken words that I managed to grasp, albeit only partially. I blinked, conveying to him that I would be okay. After a few seconds of contemplating, he let go off my hand, slowly, as if I would disappear.


After interacting with Roshni's friends, my mind became preoccupied with thoughts about them. Despite their warm welcome, there was an underlying sense of something different, especially with the boy introduced as Abhinav. His gaze towards Roshni held a peculiar intensity, and Roshni herself seemed somewhat shy in his presence. This raised a question in my mind - should I discuss this with Vaibhav or let it be?

The dilemma persisted. What if I was overthinking, and they were simply friends? I realized that Priya is different from me as well. What if Vaibhav judges my choice in friendship? However, there is a distinction between Priya and Roshni. Priya is smart, intelligent, and strong, unlike Roshni, who is more naïve.

I wondered if expressing my concerns to Vaibhav might be premature. Our relationship was still in its early stages, and I grappled with the fear of him thinking I was being overly judgmental or doubting his sister.

As I scanned the crowd, searching for Vaibhav, my gaze eventually met his. He stood among a group of formally dressed men, engrossed in serious discussions. Despite the apparent business talk, he intermittently stole glances at me, creating an unspoken connection between us.

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