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So, dear readers, I understand you must be eager for the story to pick up momentum. Just hang in there because when it does, you're going to be hooked. In the meantime, keep showing your support as I've noticed a decline in both votes and comments lately. Perhaps that's the reason behind it.

Initially, I contemplated ending the story with a love confession, but recently I've had a change of heart and have written some compelling new segments. So, stay tuned for more exciting developments.

Meehira__writes❤️ follow.

I dedicate this chapter to


Happy Reading!!


After around two hours of getting a proper and soothing sleep, I woke up. It was almost past noon, but the lady beside me was not here. The balcony slider was locked, so she couldn't be there.

The intense midday sunlight streamed into the room, casting a warm glow that enveloped the space. The humidity, heightened by the monsoon season, hung heavily in the air, amplifying the sensation of warmth. The weather felt unusually sultry, exacerbating the already oppressive heat.

"Nidhi," I called out loudly, hoping for a response from her if she was in the closet, but there was no reply.
I rose from the bed and ambled towards the closet. After attending to my needs. Upon my return, I observed her continued absence from the room.

As I swung open the door to the room, I leisurely made my way towards the drawing area. There she sat, perched atop the kitchen counter, clad in a yellow kurti and same coloured pants, engrossed in a book held delicately in one hand while wielding a spoon in the other. Glancing to her side, my gaze fell upon the ice cream tub, nestled beside her, as she indulged voraciously in its creamy contents.

I cleared my throat to capture her attention, causing her to startle. The spoon slipped from her grasp, but she managed to cling to the book.

"Goodness, you startled me!" she exclaimed, her hand flying to her chest as she inhaled sharply. Her eyes widened, her mouth agape, her hand still pressed against her racing heart.

"That wasn't my intention," I chuckled, amused by her reaction. I circumvented the kitchen counter, entering the spacious kitchen area. Nidhi rarely utilized this open kitchen layout on our floor.

"Couldn't sleep?" I inquired as I approached her.

"No, sleep eluded me," she responded. Drawing nearer, I retrieved the fallen spoon and deposited it in the sink. After washing my hands, I procured another spoon for her, extending it toward her.

"Here," I offered, and she accepted it, stealing a brief glance in my direction before returning her attention to the book. Her gaze rarely lingered on me or met mine for more than a fleeting moment. Perching beside her on the kitchen countertop, the tub of butterscotch ice cream lay temptingly between us, presumably her preferred flavor.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I probed, reclaiming the spoon from her hand and reaching for the ice cream tub.

"No particular reason, just couldn't drift off," she replied, briefly turning her head to glance at me before redirecting her focus back to the book.

"Feeling alright?" I inquired, my hand instinctively drifting to her forehead to check for any signs of fever. With the weather transitioning, a slight fever seemed a plausible explanation.

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