|23| accident

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Note: Guys, I wanted to know about your thoughts about the length of the chapter, it's 5000 words, is it too long or okay for you all, do reply.

And all the readers do comment down how you found my book, I would be happy to know.

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Next chapter probably after 26th March, I'll be traveling this whole week.

Readers, there is a part for which, I have written both of their pov's, read that you will understand the reason.

Do let me know if you find any any typos.

Happy Reading!!


In the morning, I woke up early as usual. The best thing about these mornings, when he wasn't here was the comfort, I felt. It wouldn't be a lie to admit that, I was comfortable, as I could wear a little less clothing at night-like my top with just straps and shorts-which, I wasn't comfortable wearing in front of him.

However, the feeling of his presence and his attention provided greater comfort, akin to belonging to someone. His consistent care, his words, his smiles, or the way his eyes met mine were all more pleasant and reassuring than the comfort of clothes alone.

I retrieved my phone from the bedside table to check the notifications. As I clicked the button to view the screen, my eyes fell on a message from a certain someone.

"First of all, a very happy good morning to you, my wife. I'm sorry for last night; I shouldn't have used that remark. I know even if we forgive someone, the ache remains, so I'm sorry."

This message melted my heart, as if my heart is an ice cream left out in the open sun. It was like the arrival of the first monsoon rain in the midst of extreme summer, soaking me from head to toe.

So thoughtful of you, Mr. Rajawat.

It being the fifth day of my monthly cycle, I decided to wash my hair and get ready properly. I wore a nice blue coloured suit and put my hair in a ponytail since I didn't know how to braid it myself. I even wore earrings bigger than usual, which was out of my ordinary routine.

After getting ready, I joined my mother-in-law for breakfast. Later, we sat together in her room, flipping through wedding and reception photos, along with pictures from her children's childhood.

As, I flipped through the album, my hands stopped, when I looked at the photos from our reception. I was such a nervous mess at that time that my mind wasn't functioning properly. The closeness with him was overwhelming.

But now, as I looked at these photos, they appeared very romantic, thanks to the lighting and the way they were captured.

My husband looked adorable as a child, especially in one photograph where he was wearing a gold medal around his neck, dressed in his school dress, standing next to his father with a deep smile, as if he had everything in the world, while my late father in law, wore a proud smile.

In one photograph, he was seated cross-legged, with a child on his lap-undoubtedly Roshni. His gaze was filled with sheer affection as he looked at her.

In another photo, probably taken on his birthday, he was cutting a cake with Aadarsh sitting beside him, eyeing the cake eagerly. Roshni was in my mother-in-law's lap, crying. It depicted a beautiful family bond.

As I flipped through more photos, I came across one that caught my attention. It showed me and my husband, him laughing, showing his toothy smile, while I was crying, both covered in mud. Our clothes dirty, Auntie had included the photo in the album, making me feel like, I was already a part of their world, even before officially becoming one.

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