Chapter 10

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......Let's get into the story ❤️
Today is actually Afghanistan vs india and everyone was ready by 6 and arrived at the living.....Rahul was all gloomy and athiya also stayed to watch the match.....

Mahi Bhai:Guys....all the best....the one thing I always say or satisfied with your contribution to the team....I will be watching the match....and I am here for you just show who Indian team is....

Rohit:you know's feels so peaceful hearing you speak to us before the match just like old days .... doesn't it vi.....

Virat:yeah......he is our captain still....

Ritika:guys try to be careful in the field and pls avoid any injury.....

Athiya:I am so excited to see the match live ...she exclaimed

And the door bell rang....making everyone gaze turn at ishan....making him smile sheepishly and athiya blinked not knowing anything....

Athiyaa:let me check who it is ...she got up and opened the door and as expected she received a Bokeh and bought it inside....and she saw the name ishan ...and she read the note....

Athiyaa:ishhaannn.... someone's really crazy on you ....

Shubman: bhabi you r new to this...we have been receiving Bokeh from the time we landed here....and ishan is waiting for those special notes everyday.....

Athiya:gave a teasing smirk to ishan ....

Ishan:bhabiii...he whined....

Virat:athiya that note for us na....

Rohit:yeahhh....that's our source of entertainment....

Siraj:ishan....just see ur face...u r blushing... making ishan whine....

Shreyas:just read it tia....let's see what's so personal....

Athiyaa:sorry ishan....

"Good morning baby....All the best for the match....all the best team....u know just ur mere presence makes me happy....lots of huggies and kisses.... love you handsome"-Riya.....

She read it out aloud making ishan red and he got the Bokeh from athiya and kept it safely trying to control his blush ...

Mahi Bhai: I really want to meet this girl selfless...and ishan see ur face....he teased....

Ishan:bhaaiiii..bhabi everyone see na....all of them are teasing me....he whined ...

Ritika:all of you shut ur one will tease my lil brother....coz he is already flushed or may be his cheeks will bleed from blushing.... everyone laughed while ishan pouted....Rahul was silent all this while which was noticed by everyone....

Rohit:rahh...what's that time the horn indicated that the bus has arrived and everyone rushed to the bus ..while Rohit made a note to talk to him in the bus...and shreyas waited for everyobe to move out and pulled Trisha who was about to move out and pecked her cheeks making her widen her eyes and looking at the direction he ran...and she chuckled blushing carressing her cheeks and she too joined the girls in the car .....

The bus journey:
Rohit managed to sit beside Rahul ... Rahul was all gloomy......

Rohit:caught Rahul's hand ...Rahul looked at him....

Rohit:rahhh.... what's bothering you ...are you u feel pain anywhere...or have u sprained yourself somewhere ...say it to me kiddo . .I will look after it ....but Rahul was continuously gazing at virat....

Rohit:was initially confused but something striked him....rahh is it about Naveen and vi....

Rahul:nodded his head....

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