Chapter 35

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Now only ishan mahi and sakshi was staying in the hospital and adithi had not yet got consciousness and ishan....his expressions were neutral....he felt all the emotions together....he was happy to no boundaries but he couldn't express it....he had many questions....why did she start sending him bokehs...why did she suddenly join as a physiotherapist.....why didn't she disclose that she is Riya... why didn't she express her love towards him directly....why did she hide it from him.... doesn't she want him to know about her love but many questions in his mind but the person who could answer all this was not yet conscious....he knew that from the start helping met her he felt something different...he was attracted towards her....he used to admire her without himself understanding why he did that ....he fell for her harder each passing minute ....his thoughts were broken by a tap on his shoulders....he turned to see mahi there ...

Ishan:Bhai why isn't she conscious yet....she is alright nahh....he asked concerned

Mahi:yes kiddo....she is completely alright....she will conscious in some time...don't worry....he smiled ruffling his hairs....

Ishan:leaned his head on his shoulders....bhaii...


Ishan:I love her Bhai....he whispered

Mahi:I can see that ishan....but shall I ask you something....

Ishan: ofcourse bhaiiii.....u can ask me anything.....he almost whined

Mahi:he chuckled....acha....when you started receiving Bokeh you didn't knew nothing about her except her name....just her daily notes for you the choice of flowers she sends made you love didn't even knew how she looks or where she is....then how you know that you love her...he asked with a known smile....

Ishan:I really don't know bhaiiii....I don't know when I started falling for her..or how..but right now she is everything that I could ask for.....she is the love of my life bhaiii.....he said with a peaceful Smile....

Mahi:kissed his head and held him protectively....

Sakshi:she came out from the ward....mahi....she called out...she is about to get conscious....

Mahi:ishan you go yoube beside her when she gains consciousness....he patted his shoulders....

Ishan:was nervous...Bhai you also come lets get inside together....

Sakshi: smacked his head.....don't be a spoil sport....get in....she glared....

Ishan:pouted rubbed his head and got in nervously and the sight clenched his heart...her in the hospital bed looking pale...her head hands having bandages....he went and sat beside her on the chair..and waited for her to open her eyes....he took her hands slowly in his and interwined it slowly and kissed her knuckles...and slowly he felt her hands tightening the hold..he looked up to see her trying to open her eyes...and she was frowning her eyebrows...he slowly carressed her forehead and soon she opened her eyes slowly and she blinked her eyes to get a clear view...she saw herself on a hospital bed and when she turned her head she widened her eyes to see ishan there...she smiled looking at his concerned face....

Adithi:I am fine ishan...she smiled

Ishan:he nodded his head gulping his head....

Adithi:she looked at their interwined hands....

Ishan:Riya....he whispered....

Adithi:she jerked looking at him....who had tears in his stuttered

Ishan:U r my Riya nahhh....the one who claimed my heart....he chuckled with tears... y..ou stuttered

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