Chapter 44

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.........Lets get into the story ❤️

Rahul was seated in the bed wearing sleeveless tee.....with adithi treating his injury.....and the whole team standing in the room..... glaring at him...and worried at the same time.....even Harry and virat was there.....but they were standing in distance from Rahul..... making Rahul look at them with longing eyes..... he okay.....

Rohit:how about the has even turned green.....he asked concerned

Adithi:Bhai woh....thank God the injury is not severe....but he has to be in rest for atleast 1 day not giving work to his arm...and not pressuring it further which will help in stopping further swelling.....

Rahul:what about practice.....he whined making everyone glare him deadly......he looked down to reduce the swelling...he asked not minding Rahul....

Harry:yes adithi...even if he is not telling it's hurting him badly....look at his face.... trying to hide his pain....what to do about the pain.....

Rahul:looked at both of them with longing guilty eyes with tears.....

Adithi:Bhai about the swelling.....we have to give him massage with hot water on that it will reduce eventually.....while for the pain I will be giving pain killers so dont worry about that....

Jassi:smacked Rahul on his head.....idiot.....why don't you tell us there itself....he glared at Rahul who was pouting at them....

Jaddu:now has worsened.....he shook his head in disbelief.....

Shreyas;Bhai in the bus the whole time I was leaning my head on his shoulders where he was hurt....and he didn't even stop me.....he breathed in anger.....

Sakshi:Raahhh......she called softly sitting beside him ....

Rahul:looked at her with puppy eyes......

Sakshi:how did you manage to hurt yourself...what happened......she carressed his hair.....

Rahul:bhabi.....I was practicing with the bowling machine and suddenly I misguided a ball and it hit straight at my arm.....he muttered softly

Siraj:Bhai you could have asked me nahh.....instead of the bowling machine I could have bowled to you....he said worried.....

Rahul:sorry....he muttered......

Ritika:acha tell me why didn't you tell everyone then and there itself.....

Rahul:he pouted more.....I thought it will be fine....I didn't expect it to be this hard.....

Sanjana:so you chose to hide it from us.....she raised her eyebrows.....

Rahul:sorry......he gave a cute pout..... leave everything you take rest now....she tried changing the mood.....

Virat:athiya......make him eat first and let him have the pain killers......

Harry:yeah....and even we have to give hot water massage......he said avoiding the gaze of Rahul.....but he could feel it....

Virat:he could feel Rahul gaze from his side eyes......he so badly wants to got and pull him in his bear hug..... consoling him.....but at the moment he felt hurt eventhough he knew that Rahul didn't mean anything that he spoke.....and also he could understand that he has spoken something so stupid and hurtful to harry such that Harry is so dejected.....but at the moment he couldn't stay in the room any longer avoiding his he stormed of the room with harry following him..... everyone looked at him confused but shrugged it off at the moment....

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