About Mira

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She's a normal citizen of Republic City, who works in the police station as part of Chief Beifong's task force. She's really skilled at hand to hand combat and other self-defense technics. She was an only child that lived with her mother until she sadly died when she was 15, since then she's been living by herself

She's about 5'6 (1.68m). Turquoise with a ring of gold around the pupil eyes. With sand golden hair that is always kept short, just above her shoulders. Her clothes are always comfortable and she's always wearing a forest green with silver details jacket

Mira - 21
Korra - 22
Asami - 22
Mako - 23
Bolin - 21

Eye color (turquoise-and-golden eyes)

Eye color (turquoise-and-golden eyes)

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Hair color and length

Hair color and length

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Jacket (forest green with silver details)

Jacket (forest green with silver details)

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Mira's bike

If you don't like how Mira looks like, well too bad

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If you don't like how Mira looks like, well too bad....... no I'm kidding 🤣♥️ if you don't like how she looks, you can imagine her as you want. Just change the description in your head whenever someone describes her😁 this could be a xReaders book if you wanted it to

*If you haven't watch The Legend of Korra or Avatar: The Last Airbender you really should go and watch them. They are incredible, with funny lovable characters, insane story and out of this world soundtrack*

Thanks for choosing this fanfic♥️ I hope you like it and as always please take care of yourself. Until next chapter

"If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see."


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