10 - Turning the Tides

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Beifong's PoV

"You should rest Lin," Tenzin says as we watch the kids take Korra to her room. "Is going to be a few hours until Korra wakes up," we stop at the house's courtyard and he waves at the direction they left. "You can take Mira's room if you like"

"I'm fine Tenzin" I snapped immediately. I didn't need rest. What I needed was to find Mira before that monster hurts her. Spirits! Amon has her

"It's going to be alright," apparently Tenzin knew better than to past my snarky comment as stubbornness. He always saw too much of my emotions for my liking. "We'll find her"

"Amon has her Tenzin. Nothing it's alright" saying it out loud left a sour tase on my mouth, just as my chest felt too tight and I wanted to hit something until my knuckles were bleeding. But before Tenzin could comment on it I walk away. Making my way to Mira's room

It was a simple yet comfortable room. A bed at the corner, with a desk next to it under the window, a closet on the opposite wall. It was like any other room on the temple yet this one had Mira's essence somehow. Police files were scatter on her desk. Her uniform jacket was place over the chair and on the ground I saw a few fighting gauzes she uses to protect her hand when training

A few piles of books were on the ground next to an already full small library, because of course this girl had more books than she could fit in her room. There were on the ground, on shelves, on top of the chair at the other side of her room. Piles and piles

There were a few boxes, still unpacked, pilled up on the corner that I'm assuming were the remaining things from her apartment after she was kicked out. It still enraged me how that bastard treated her. How the whole city treated her. It wasn't fair

Sighing tiredly I step inside and walk toward the bed, sitting down in the middle. The bed was surprisingly soft for the ones I know the airbenders usually used. It was something about that with a harder bed it was better for your back or something like that. Yet I'm assuming with the times Mira has stayed the night here over the years, I'm guessing Tenzin had brought a softer bed for her

"You kept this?" I snorted lowly when I look towards the head of the bed and see a small badgermole fluffy sitting on the pillow

I won this after Mira begged me to play a carnival game with her at the Glacier Spirits Festival the Northern Water Tribe Cultural Center organizes ever year here in Republic City. It was the year her mother died and, honestly, I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't want to play. So I joined her on the silly game and won this little fella, I gifted it to her afterwards. I didn't know she actually kept it

I put down the fluffy down on my lap and glance at her desk. The police files were reports and paperwork about Amon and the Equalists she asked me to send her a few weeks ago. She was determined to stop him from hurting innocent people. She was determined to stop him before he could hurt the Avatar

She's always had a good head for spotting small details the other officers might've ignore. But she didn't spot anything on these files. She came out with the same conclusion I did. That Amon was very careful when doing his moves and made sure there were no clues or traces for us to follow

Next to the files, at the corner of the desk, she had the picture we took the day of her graduation from the police academy. Even though it was only a few year ago, she still looked so young on the picture. She looked excited yet nervous. She told me that day that she felt weird wearing the uniform, as if she didn't deserve it. I would say now, after all the good she's done, that she deserves it more than anyone. I would say that maybe the uniform doesn't deserve her. Not after the office failed her like it did

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