3 - The Revelation

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Korra's PoV

"What's the big idea with making me train this early in the morning?" I yawn tiredly, throwing the practice ball at Bolin. "The morning is evil" it can't be fair that we have to practice this early

"We're the rookies," Bolin catches the ball then throws it at Mako. "so we get the worst time slot in the gym"

"And you're the rookiest of us all. We gotta get you up to speed if we wanna survive in the tournament," Mako says annoyed as he throws the ball back at me, a little too harsh, yet I still caught it. "Deal with it"

"You deal with it!" I throw it back at him and he falls to the ground as the ball crashed against his chest. At the other side of the gym I heard Mira snorted amusingly, taking a pause from her punching back

"Hell of a throw, ponytail" she complements me. Flashing me one of those bright smiles of hers. And I roll my eyes at her nickname for me. I don't even know where she got it from. I should come up with one for her

"Well, thank you very much, Sunbeam" I tease at her, bowing dramatically, and she angles her head slightly to the side, confused about the nickname but still smiles softly at it

"Sunbeam?" She asked curiously, walking towards me, but I only shrug unsure. I didn't know why I chose that one in particular. Probably because her smiles warms up everyone's heart when she uses it. Where the hell did that thought come from!?

"There are my little hard-working street urchins," a man walks into the gym. Sparing me from having to answer Mira's question. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Avatar" he steps in front of me and places his hand over my shoulder. Mira frowns thoughtfully at him but didn't comment anything. Yet her body was tense, on alert, as if she was preparing to attack in case this man tries to hurt me

"And you are..?" I ask cautiously

"Butakha. I run this whole pro-bending shebang," he ways his hand around arrogantly, gesturing the building. Before walking towards Mako and giving him a pack of cash and starts talking about the thing they have to pay. Annoyed about the man Mira and I walk to a nearby table and drink some water

"Thirty thousand yuans?!" Bolin shouts shocked at the amount of money we need to pay to enter the tournament

"Shit" Mira cursed under her breath. Her eyes wide in surprise at the amount

"Sorry, kids. You got 'til the end of the week to come up with the dough, or else, you're out of the tournament" Butakha sighs sadly, taking Mako's shoulder before leaving

"You wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold, would you?" Bolin asked me hopefully as Mira and I join them

"I got nothing," I pull out my pockets before smiling softly. "I've never really needed money. I've always had people taking care of me"

"Then I wouldn't say you have nothing" Mako snaps angrily and accusingly, putting the ball into a bag and walking away. Also I saw Mira frown thoughtfully at my words, yet she looked... upset. Maybe I shouldn't have said that

"Sorry, I didn't mean.." I try to apologize. Feeling horrible that I made Mako angry and Mira sad. Bolin stops me gently

"No, it's all right. It's just ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own" he says sadly and it crushed my heart

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know" I say lowly, apologetically. I felt terrible for saying that. I shouldn't have, and now I've upset everyone. I was so ashamed

"Nobody should feel ashamed for having people around who loved and looked after them" Mira whispered lowly next to me. She gave me a smile that I know meant to reassure and comfort me but it wasn't a real smile. Her smiles are always warm and bright, but this one looked... sad, nostalgic

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