Book One: Air 1 - Welcome to Republic City

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No One's PoV

It was snowing outside a small simple hut in the southern water tribe. The night being quieter than usual, more tensed as a group of adults discuss the events that took place few days ago, but the little water tribe girl playing with her Polar Bear-dog wasn't exactly paying any attention to them

"Did you catch them? Did you catch him?" A woman asks. Her voice trembling to the edge of pure fear

"Yes, we were able to capture them all," a calm voice told her. "We'll send them to prison and I can assure you, they won't get out. This nightmare is over"

"Good riddance" the woman almost sobs in relief. In that moment the Polar Bear-dog playing with the girl set off running away, playfully calling her to join her

"You and your daughter will be safe. We'll relocate you where you'l.." another man told the woman but the girl didn't listen to the conversation. She stood up and ran to catch up with her trustest animal companion

Running and laughing in the snow until the cub started sniffing around, then runs inside the nearby hut and sniffing some more. The girl, following her, steps inside the hut as well. Looking around the small cozy place and spotting a young girl, about her age, fast asleep on the sofa. Covered with a warm blanket

"Naga, stop!" She whispered in urgency as she see her sniffing the girl's little hand, the animal in question not listening to her and starting to lick the remaining of the cupcake she assumed the girl had before going to sleep

"Naga don't, you're going to wake her up" she said a little louder. Running toward her and trying to pull her away from the sleeping girl but it was no use. Naga, even as a cub, was stronger than her and ended up licking the girl's face until she woke up

"Wh..? What?!" She grunts sleepily, opening her eyes to see the polar Bear-dog in front of her. With a startled yelp, she raises into a sitting position as Naga climbs the sofa and decides to lay on the girl's lap, cuddling happily. Waggling her tail excitedly

"Naga, Stop! Be nice" the water tribe her tries to, once again, pull her away but Naga only snuggles closer to the girl, causing her to giggle. "sorry. Don't worry, she's not going to hurt you"

"She's so soft" the girl whispers amazed, reaching out her hand hesitantly to pet the animal laying on her lap

"Yes, she is. Her fur is so warm you could cuddle with her all night and never feel cold" the water tribe girl says childishly proud, watching the girl smile brightly as she pets Naga's head

"Can..can I hug her?" The little girl asks hesitantly but before she could answer, Naga raises her torso from the girls lap and snuggles her head against the girl's chest, causing her to laugh happily

"Seems like she wants you to" the water tribe girl laughs with her as the girl only hugs the Polar Bear-dog cub. "I'm Korra, what's your name?"

The girl looks at Korra and opens her mouth to answer but as she was about to, a White Lotus guard wakes into the tent. His eyes frowning in anger when he saw the two girls

"What are you doing with her? Get back to your hut Korra" he commands, rather harshly. With a distrustful glare towards the little girl on the sofa, still petting the big fluffy cub

"Stand down" the adults that were talking outside walk inside the hut. All of them frowning disappointedly towards the guard. A woman more than the others

"Don't talk to my daughter like that" she says quietly yet furiously. Walking passed him, she goes to her daughter in the sofa and sits next to her

"C'mon love, it's time for bed. We have a long trip to make tomorrow" she says gently, lovingly. Smiling brightly down at her

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