5 - The Spirit of Competition

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Korra's PoV

It's been a few week since the fiasco that was my encounter with Amon. I decided to leave Tarrlok's task force and focus on my pro-bending training. It has help immensely, to be able to spend time with my friends

I've also been trying to help Mira to practice her bending. Apparently she's never master it, just learned how to stop it from surfing. Although it has been a challenge to do that, now that no one on the island except for Tenzin and me knows about it, so we had to be really careful and almost all the time practice in our rooms. It's more to say that we've broken a few thing on the way

This morning we were in the arena, I was practicing with the boys as Mira was sitting against the wall reading a book

Snapping me out of my thoughts, I dodge a disk that Bolin sent my way and return the attack with a blast of water while there was a fire shot coming my way, I dodge it too. We've been at this for a least 40 minutes. Evading and sending attacks to each other. But then we all ended up knocking the other up. The three of us falling to the ground

"It's been great having you at so many back-to-back practices, Korra" Mako says excitedly and I felt my cheek blush

"Feels good to be back," I smile happily. "although, Tarrlok isn't too happy about my leave of absence" I heard Mira snorted amusingly at that. She was thrilled that I left his task force

"Hey, you joined the Fire Ferrets before you joined his task force" Bolin points out

"Beside he could use a little disappointment in his life. Might bring him down a few steps from the altar he set himself on" I saw the wicked smile as she looks up from her book

"Okay, come on, team huddle time!" Mako calls out and the three of us form a circle. I smile at Mako

"It's our first match of the tournament tonight. I know the three of us haven't been a team for very long, but even so, the Fire Ferrets have never been this good. Are we ready?" He asked excited

"We're ready!" Bolin and I shout enthusiastically

"Not quite, you'll need these" Asami walks inside the training room and holds up the new uniform with the Future Industries logo on it

"Hey, Asami" Mako goes to her and kisses her cheek. That wave of jealousy crashing on me

"Good morning, sweetie" she answered and I look away annoyed. What does she have that I don't?

"These new uniforms look great!" Mako comments

"You look great, champ!" She says playfully and they make a Eskimo kiss. I roll my eyes

"Well, teammates, I'll see you before the match tonight. Asami and I have a lunch date" he wraps his arm around her shoulder and they walk out. Guess it's time to go back to the island for my airbending training

"Okay, we'll check you guys later, you know, we'll see you when we see ya" Bolin says before standing next to me

"So, Korra. There they go, here we are, all alone in the gym, just you and me, two alone people. Together. Alone" he says really weird. Besides Mira was also in the room but she was finishing packing her book on her bag

"Ah, I gotta head back to the air temple to train with Tenzin. See ya!" I tell him and went to Mira, then we walk out of the building

"Damn, it's cold out here" she shivers, rubbing her hands over her arms

"You're cold!" I ask incredulously, surprised. I thought it was really nice the weather. It's barely even cold

"Not all of us grew up in the South Pole, Korra" she gives me a playful glare. I snorted amusingly

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