4 - The Voice in the Night

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Korra's PoV

I was laying on bed, moving this way and that, not being able to shake off the fear that has been driving me insane for the last couple of days. I was terrified of Amon. Of what he could do to my friends, to the people I love. He could take bending away, I don't know how to stop that, how to stop him

A sound outside my window startled me enough that I woke up screaming, then a chi-blocker crashed through the window and jumped to attacked me. I moved away from the bed and bend my fire at him. Then two other chi-blockers broke through my door and joined the first

I fought at best I could but they ended up chi-blocking me, and kicking me to the ground afterwards. As I tried to stand, I saw Amon stepping inside my room, hands covered in blood, and the trail on the floor that lead back to the bedroom in front of mine and my stomach dropped as I realized what he did

"Mira" I whispered. My eyes filling with enraged tears as I look up at Amon. I tried to attack him, make him pay for everything he's done, for hurting Mira. But his men stopped me, forced me to my knees and held me in place as he stood in front of me

"After I take your bending away, you will be nothing" he reached out a bloody hand, with every intention of taking my bending away. The rage in me suddenly was replaced by fear. So frighting and strong that I just stood there as I saw the hand about to touch my forehead

*End of nightmare*

I woke up from the dream with a terrified scream, jumping on my bed and looking frighteningly around my room. Looking for the chi-blockers, for Amon. But there was no one here but me

Then I felt Naga's snout over my hand, licking it to comfort me. I finally took a deep breath

"It's ... it's all right, Naga. I just had a bad dream" I whispered, more to reassure myself than to tell her. Then my door slips open and Mira runs in, a set of dagger in her hands. Looking all the ready to kill the first person that crosses her way, until her eyes fall on me and she sighs relief

"Are you ok? I heard you scream" she says calmly, sleepy. Putting the daggers down

I took a good look at her, unconsciously searching for any sign that she was hurt. Even though I knew she was perfectly safe, and that Amon didn't get to her, I still found myself making sure she was... alive

"Just a nightmare, don't worry" I say, slightly embarrassed that she heard me, but she didn't seem to judge me for it. In fact her gaze soften in understanding

"Want to talk about it?" She offered gently, welcoming. And all of the sudden I wanted to tell her everything

"No I'm good, thanks though" I said instead. She already has enough on her hands. Dealing with my nightmares shouldn't be her job. No matter how badly I wanted to confined with her. No matter how desperately I needed her to tell me everything was going to be alright

I had to figure this out myself. I had to shake off this fear. I'm the Avatar, I should be ready to stop Amon. But instead, he has me terrified of him

"Alright," she nods, again with the understanding gaze. Then she turned back to the door. "I'm just across your door if you need me" then she was gone, back to her room. Leaving me here to spiral on my thoughts
Mira's PoV

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