9 - Out of the Past

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No One's PoV

Far away from the city, in a well hidden cottage. Tarrlok bloodbends Korra inside the basement and guides her towards a metal box in the center of the room. The only thing around that place was the one light hanging over the box

Struggling against the hold his has on her, Korra grunts painfully as he sets her inside the box and closes the door. The second he released her from his grip, she slams herself again the door, trying to pry it open, but it was no used. It was locked

"What are you doing?" She hits the door hardly. Desperately. "Tarrlok!" She screams aggressively, continuing punching the door as she hears him walking up the stairs, without saying another words. "You can't keep me in here forever!"

Then she heard the door of the basement close and the sound of the lock. Leaving her alone and trapped with no idea of how she was was going to get away and save her friends from him. Save the friend he, apparently, kidnapped too

Reaching under her shirt she took out the necklace with the blue ring. Holding on to it tightly. Promising herself she would get out of here and find her. She would get her back from wherever he had her locked up
The next morning, Tenzin was still sleeping with his family at the Air Temple Island when the telephone started to ring on the bedside table. Waking up the sleepy and grumpy Meelo, who goes to take the call

"Who is this? It's six in the morning! This better be important!" He says annoyingly on the phone but then Tenzin takes it from him and puts it on his ear

"Councilman Tenzin here" he says calmly, hearing what the person on the other line of the phone was saying. Then with a panic frowns he gasps worriedly. "What?!"

He immediately left to City Hall when he found out the Equalists had taken Korra. Arriving, he goes directly to Tarrlok to ask how any of this could've happened

"What happened?" He asked as a waterbender healer was treating Tarrlok's wounds. "What was Korra doing at City Hall?"

"As I told Chief Saikhan," Tarrlok says calmly, standing up. "Korra came to my office late last night. She was upset that I arrested her friends. She asked me to release them and ... that's when the Equalists attacked," he frowns worriedly. "I tried to protect Korra, but we were outnumbered. Then, I was electrocuted. When I came to, the police had arrived. But Korra was gone"

"I'm so sorry," he sighs regretfully before turning to the new Chief of Police. "Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar"
"We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report." The radio next to Beifong's bed was interrupted as she was resting. Still recovering from the wounds she acquired after the attack on Sato Mansion

"Late last night, Equalists attacked City Hall," her eyes widen in surprise before she sits upright and, with a startled frown, increases the volume of the radio. Listening closely. "subduing Councilman Tarrlok and capturing Avatar Korra. Details are still coming in, b-" she didn't need to hear more

Turning it off, she gets out of bed. Stiflingly a painful grunt as she walks to the closet and metalbends her armor around her body. Yet as she was about to go pick up the phone she frowns at the police insignia on her chest and tears it off. Crunching it and throwing it on the floor, continuing her way to the table where she left her cloak and grabbed her house phone

Dialing to call the Air Temple Island, she needed to talk to Mira about what happened, maybe she knew more information about what had occured. She knew how important the Avatar was for her ward and she knew Mira would be driving herself crazy in guilt about this. She wasn't about to leave her to deal with this alone

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