Book Two: Spirits 13 - Rebel Spirits

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No One's PoV

"This your first watch?" The older sailor asks the new sailor, who looked a little nervous holding onto the railing of the crow nest

"Mmhmm" was the only response he managed to make. Going back to watch the deep waters near the Southern Water Tribe

"Well then, better keep your eyes peeled laddie," he says to him. Faking a serious tone. "Ya never know what creatures lurk in the murky depths"

This caused the young man to gasps horrified and to look overboard. Not seeing the older man laughing after the prank he pulled as he walked away. But just as he was five steps in a huge squid-like silhouette swims underneath the ship

"Uh, Sir!" The boy muttered terrified

"What?" The older sailor turned to him, only to be taken by a tentacle and then dragged under the water

The young man shouted at the other sailors but it was too late, multiple other tentacles shoot up from under the water and wrapped around the ship, sinking it
Mira's PoV

I awoke, drenched in sweat and twisted in the sheets, fear clenching around my chest like a fist. The cold lick of terror crawling up my spine, locking it up in panic. My head spinning dizzyingly

I wielded myself to breathe, then to blink a few times. Then to look around at the small cozy room. To turn my head and watch the open window of my room. The tree sway gently against the night wind. I forced myself to look pass it, to the cloudy night sky beyond

I swallowed another breath in and forced myself to fight back the overwhelming panic. I pushed myself to remember I wasn't locked up

Alive, I am Alive. Not tortured, not caged, not dead

Breathe Mira, breathe. You're safe. You're free

You're free...


It was the third time this week. The same damn nightmare haunting me again and again. Just like it has being haunting me for the last six months

The same dark cell. The same shackles. The same fear wrapping around my body like a fist. The same fucking pain of the constant torture. That same terror of watching my best friend being hurt by that monster. Of watching her pleading eyes begging miserably for help and me uselessly watching her. Broken and defeated

The same deep male feline-like voice commanding me to wake up. A voice that didn't belong in my memory but sounded all too familiar somehow

°Wake up!°• The voice demanded. •°I said, WAKE UP!°• he screamed with more urgency when my nightmares turned more horrible

Most night it was like that, reliving the horrors they made me go through, but in nights like tonight they become worse, so much worse

And tonight, it was a particularly bad one. Mixing what happened and what I was terrified it would happened

It was me trapped in that damned coffin watching the young Equalist boy bleed out in front of me, Amon arrogantly holding a bloody dagger behind him. But in this dream it wasn't the young boy dying on the floor, it was Bolin. And after a blink it was Mako, then Beifong, then Tenzin, then Asami and then it was Korra

Blinking away the unshed tears that gathered on my eyes I sigh tiredly, sitting up at the edge of my bed. The clock in the nightstand read it was well pass midnight. 2:47am to be exact, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again. I knew I needed to get out of here before my anxiety got the worst of me

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