7 - The Aftermath

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Mira's PoV

"Although the Hundred Year War has long passed, we are not living in a time of peace. These revolutionaries who call themselves Equalists are not interested in equality at all. They just want to wage war against benders." Tarrlok manipulates the press as if he was the fucking hero they needed

"Chief Beifong was supposed to protect Republic City, but she was powerless to stop Amon's attack on the arena. And has hidden the bending of former officer Mira Sonnen from the force. She has failed us all. If we are to survive these dire times, our law enforcement needs new leadership. A trustworthy leadership"

"That backstabbing, power hungry, treacherous snake" I snapped furiously as Tenzin, Korra and I listen to the radio

"I knew something like this would happen" Tenzin snaps angrily, frustrated

How did everything go to hell so fast? First was the attack on the arena and Amon exposing my bending to the world. Now that bastard trying to diminish Beifong's work, her entire career, in front of everyone. And then was the letter and call I received this morning. How did my world crumble so fast around me?

"Former officer? Mira?" Korra asks gently, worriedly. Placing her hand on my shoulder. I frown sadly

"They fired me" I say lowly. Not really wanting to look at them

"What?!" The both gasp shocked

"I received the letter this morning," I took out the letter from my pocket and gave it to Tenzin. "They said because of the current circumstances, I was laid off from my duties"

"Mira I'm sorry" he frowns worriedly

"Beifong won't allow it," Korra points out, slightly angry and trying to support me. "She will.."

"She called me this morning too," I stop her. Looking at her. "but I told her to don't try to fight for me, that she needed to make sure she stayed there for the sake of the city" I tell them. I tried to stay positive but I couldn't help but feel so fucking helpless. "Is everyone really that scared of my bending? I don't get it" and now that Amon made everyone think I was a threat...

"People fear what they don't understand" Tenzin steps closer. Placing his hands over my shoulders, reassuring. His face so full of understanding and support that it was too overwhelming with my too raw emotions at the moment

"Urgh! No wonder my mother told me to never show my bending. But I didn't think people would react this badly" I comment frustrated. My morning just kept getting worst and worst since last night

"What do you mean? Did something else happened?" He frowns confused

"My landlord also called this morning" I sigh heavily. Trying to hold on so hard as I watch everything around me fall apart. My whole life was destroyed in less than 24 hours, and I was left with no idea of what to do with myself

"He kicked you out?" Korra asked surprise and I could hear the fury under her tone

"He, at least, tried to don't be so outright about it." I try to give them a smile but I didn't even have the energy to fake one. "I was due to renew my contract this month and he came back with a ridiculously high, impossible rent offer that I can't afford" I look away. "I have until the end of the month to find another place" and I had no clue where I would go

"You can stay here" Tenzin says immediately, welcoming. "you know you're always welcome on the island"

"Thanks Tenzin, but I don't want to bother" I say but he shakes his head

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