6 - And The Winner Is...

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Korra's PoV

Last night semifinals were great, and tonight we would fight against Tahno and the Wolfbats and win. I refuse any other alternative. I will erase that stupid smirk of his stupid face

As we practice, we all send our bending towards three images of Tahno and successfully destroy them

"Yes" I celebrate lowly, triumphantly jumping. I heard Mira snort joyfully at that

"That will show him, Ponytail" she teases as she was sitting on the table petting a sleeping Pabu who was curled on her lap. I laugh and go to her side

"Man, I got a good feeling about tonight. I don't care if we are the underdogs. We can take those pompous Wolfbats" I say excitedly to the guys and then turn to Mira, smiling teasingly wicked. "What is it Sunbeam? You don't think we can take them?"

"I never said that," she fakes an overdramatic pout, then it changes into a devastatingly adorable wicked smirk as she leans slightly closer, as if sharing a secret. "actually, I'm dying to see you put that self-centered jackass in his place" and her smile turns ridiculously beautiful, her turquoise eyes shining brightly against the morning sun. Suddenly I forgot what we were talking about

"It's going to be our toughest match ever, but I think you're right" Mako snaps me out of my thoughts. Taking of his helmet

"Introducing your new champs, the fantastic Fire Ferrets!" Bolin hugs Mako, enthusiastically imitating the announcer. Then suddenly the radio next to Mira cuts off with static and, once again, Amon's voice comes out of it

"Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon," Pabu squeaks away from the radio and climbs to Mira's neck. Hiding under her sandy blonde hair. "I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last," then we all shared a concern look before glancing back at the radio

"It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences" then the radio goes static again and the music continues

"That asshole really does love to be the center of attention" Mira mumbles jokingly, but I could hear the concern under her tone

"That guy's got some nerve" Bolin comments

"You think the council will give in?" Mako looks at me. I frown thoughtfully

"I'm not waiting to find out. We need to get to City Hall" I decided and after a few minutes, we were all on our way to City Hall
*Time Skip*
The four of us walk inside the council room as they were about to decide about the arena

"Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting" Tenzin stands up and says sternly as we all stop at the foot of the small stairs

"As the Avatar and a pro-bending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals" I say back

"I know winning the championship means a lot to you. But as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the arena down" he says calmly and worried. They can't be seriously giving up this easily

"What about the rest of you?" I look at Tarrlok. "There's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?"

"Actually," he sighs heavily and stands too. "Tenzin and I agree for once"

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