11 - Skeletons in the Closet

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Korra's PoV

"Last I heard, she was been held in a warehouse outside the city limits" a female Equalists answers after I asked her if she knew where Mira was. Mako and I were out in the streets, close to City Hall, trying to see if we could find any information about what Amon's next move will be and to see if we could find anything about where Mira is been held. So far I haven't found anything

"No, you have it wrong," the Equalists next to her says. "She's been held underground" I've been following every lead I'd heard for the last week and everytime they're nothing but dead ends. Not even a whisper that Mira had been hold there

"I heard she destroyed her last containment and they had to punish her severely for it" the third one says with too much excitement and malice that it made my stomach sink with dread

"It would serve her right," the female laugh with malice. "She'll get what she deserves soon enough. Amon will make sure of that" and it took everything from me to don't punch her in the face

"Thank the spirits he caught her before she could destroy us all" one of them says as I walk away. I couldn't keep listening to them talking about my friend like that. Not if I wanted to keep my disguise

I walk all the way to the back of the crowd that was gathering in front of the City Hall and wait at the spot where Mako and I said to meet after our reconnaissance. It only took a few minutes before Mako, dressed as an Equalists just like me, steps next to me

"Anything?" I ask, not taking my eyes of the crowd. Playing the part of the loyal perfect Equalists

"No, everyone I asked had a different location," so much for finding a way to save Mira today. "Some said she was locked away at the police station. Other said she was chained and inside a metal box, and some-" then he hesitates. Cutting himself off in what I could only guess was a pensive frown

"What?" I asked worried. Did he find something? At this point I'm willing to follow any clue that might help me find her. No matter how small it was. It's been more than a week and I was desperate to find her. To bring her home

"Another said she was.." and again he cut himself off, not wanting to finish. Yet his meaning was clear enough

"She's not!" I snapped immediately, a little to harshly maybe but I couldn't accept that possibility. I wouldn't

She wasn't gone, she couldn't be

"I know she's not," he says calmly, reassuring. "That man seemed to talk a lot of nonsense anyway. But there was one thing they all agreed on" and I could guess it was the same the other Equalists had told me

"That she'll get what she deserves soon?" I say more than ask

"Yes" I heard his surprise that I knew. Dread and fear ran down my spine at what could those words mean. They could mean anything in regards of Mira's future, and none were good. I had to find her before Amon hurt her. More than he already has a voice in the back of my head said and I wanted to scream. The pit on my stomach growing impossibly bigger now

"It is a glorious day, my Equalist brothers and sisters!" Hiroshi says proudly as he addresses the crowd in front of us. They had really taken over the whole city. Every street was full of Mecha Tanks and multiple Equalists airships roam the sky, vigilant

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