8 - When Extremes Meet

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Mira's PoV

It was really early in the morning when Tenzin's kids, Korra and I were at the docks waiting for the ship to arrive with Mako, Bolin and Asami. They were now going to stay here with us on the island

"I am so happy you're now staying with us forever Mira," Ikki says excitedly as she jumps around Korra and me with her characteristical enthusiastic tone. "It's going to be so fun. We can play all day, we can pet and feed all the bison.."

"We can chase the lemurs all around the island," Meelo interrupts her, airbending himself up enthusiastically. "They always fly away when I try to catch them" he pouted dramatically sad when he landed

"Ohh, we could discuss about the books we read" Jinora gasps happily and excited as she claps her hands. Smiling brightly

"We'll do all of that, I promise" I chuckle joyfully. I really love these kids and I would make sure we did all of that

"Looks like you are all booked up for weeks" Korra mutters teasingly next to me but as I was about to say something, Ikki interrupts

"You're coming with us too Korra," she informs her casually. Then frowns with that innocent manipulative pout that would get Korra to accept to whatever she said. The kid knew what she was doing. "We hardly even see you anymore"

"Looks like you're all booked too Ponytail" I muttered back, smiling teasingly wicked. Korra just returned it with amusement

"We can also help you master your bending" Ikki says enthusiastically and Meelo jumped happily in the air again

"Yeah we will learn how to shoot stars from our hands" he overdramaticly makes a few poses of shooting blast with his hands. I snorted amusingly

"Is cosmic energy Meelo, not stars" I explain, a smile on my face. They never looked at me differently when they found out about my bending. They actually seemed excited when I showed them what I could do and since that day there has been endless question after endless question

"I've been reading all the books I have, trying to find any mention of your powers, but so far I haven't found anything. But I know there has to be some information somewhere" Jinora says thoughtfully, slightly disappointed

"We'll find it, don't worry," I reassure her, side hugging her. "But as for now let's focus on giving a warm welcome to our friends alright?" I turn to see the ship making port. Bolin, Mako and Asami coming down the ramp

"You're finally here!" Ikki shouts excitedly. "Welcooome to Air Temple Island" She waves her hand toward the island and then gives them the cutest smile I've ever seen. "Your new home"

"Yes, welcome to my domain" Meelo points at himself proudly

"Well, aren't you sweet, little monk child" Bolin says kindly before Pabu jumps from his shoulder and runs towards Naga. Meelo and Ikki gasping excitedly at the side of the little ferret

"What's that fuzzy creature?" He asked intrigued and curious as Pabu gently touches Naga's nose with his left front paw. The scene rather adorable

"That is a fire ferret," Jinora says matter of factly. "An arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom"

"He's cuuuute!" Ikki jumps and squeaks in delight before Meelo and she run toward both animals. Ikki runs after Pabu but Meelo airbends on top of Naga and grabs her ears upward

"Yip yip! Fly sky bison! Fly!" He says excitedly but Naga didn't seem impressed by it, or Ikki trying to catch poor Pabu

"Thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move" Mako says gratefully to Korra

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