12 - Endgame

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Asami's PoV

The day after the Equalists destroyed the United Forces battleships we were set to attack back. To track down my father's planes and stop them once and for all. While Mako and Korra went to hunt down Amon and hopefully to find Mira

Bolin, Iroh and me were riding on Naga all the way up to the mountain, and hiding up there we found the secret Equalist base

"I think we've found our secret airfield," Iroh whispered then looked at Bolin. "Bolin, once we get down there, I need you to tear up those runways. We can't let those aircraft take off"

"Aye aye, captain!" He salutes then frowns thoughtfully. "Ooh, general, general" he corrects his words. We started climbing down hill when we found some posts around the perimeter but there were no wires between them

"Why would there be fence posts but no fence?" I point out suspiciously. I got my answer a second later when we stepped through and we were electrocuted. We collapsed on the ground before falling unconscious

Korra's PoV

He's a bloodbender! Amon is a bloodbender. And he has Mira. He was going to kill her. That's why he hasn't taken her bending. He never planned to strip her of her bending like the rest of the benders. He was planning to kill her in front of everyone

Dread and terror crawled up my body as Mako and I sneak inside the bending arena. This was going to end today. It had to end today. I had to safe Mira today, because if I fail...

"Thank you all for joining me on this historic occasion!" Amon rises from beneath the platform and speaks to the crowd, who cheers loudly. "As you all know bending has brought nothing but suffering to us all. It doesn't bring balance to the world as the Avatar says it does. It only brings chaos and destruction" the crowd once again cheers in agreement

"But today we take another step forward to rid this world of that impurity. I've have captured the cosmic bender," he motions his arm towards the side of the stage and there, being dragged by two chi-blockers, was Mira. Strapped in that horrible straightjacket again and badly beating, to the point that most of her weight was being held by the people around her

Rage clouded my mind as I wanted nothing more than to burn every single one of them to ash for hurting my best friend

"Not yet" Mako muttered. I didn't even realize I made a step closer to the railing until Mako took my forearm, stopping me

"Early today, while we were transferring her away she, in cold blood, slipped the throat of one of our brothers with a slash of her bending," the crowd gasps horrified. And it took everything for me to stay calm when the chi-blockers around her threw her to the ground. "Unfortunately we weren't able to save him. But we are nothing but fair. Today, she shall pay for her crime.... With her own life" the crowd going wild with cheers. The chi-blockers around her started removing the straightjacket

"Her bending is a danger to us all and we shall free our world from her impurity. But as always, in the spirit of fairness she will have the chance to fight for her life," he glance at Mira, who was trying to raise her upper body from the ground. But I could see that it was difficult for her. Not because she had the straightjacket but because they beat her up so badly she could barely move. "You all know my story. When I was a boy, a firebender struck down my entire family and left me scarred. That tragic event began my quest to equalize the world"

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